Sunday, June 17, 2018

Father's Day

Craig Groeschel - guest speaker Fresh Life Church

Faith On Fire

Psalm 112:1-6

Culture says we need to raise well-rounded, well educated, and happy kids.

We are to release Christ-centered, Biblically anchored, world changers!!!

Managing exposure.
What we expose them to determines what they become.
Proverbs 13:20

Three things to expose kids to :

1. The joy of knowing God personally!

John 17:3
They are not rejecting christianity but rather the hypocrisy in religion.
Inconsistencies they see in the home.

**Rules without relationship = rebellion!**

Every day language of incorporating spiritual language into every day living.
Connect the spiritual to the natural.

"You worked hard to develop the gifts God gave you."
"Can you believe how God has blessed us?!"

If they hear and see it, they catch it.
If they hear it and don't see it, they reject it.

Create a culture rather than an expectation.

Expose them to the JOY of God speaking, directing + leading.

**If you want them to see a Father in God, let them see God in their father.**

2. Presence and power of God in His church!

Church is not a destination, it's an identity.

Difference between christians and a Christ-centered family!

3. Thrill of being used by God!

Joshua 24:14-15
We will serve the Lord!

We exist to see those stranded in sin find life and liberty in Jesus Christ!

Up In Smoke : week 4

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Worth Dying For

Daniel 3:14

Living in the world but not of the world.

Don't make these two mistakes :
1. Separation 
Don't pretend you're already in heaven.
You can't reach a world you've abandoned.
2. Imitation
Don't live exactly like the people of the world.
Instead, infiltrate!

Love. Give. Serve. Have influence.

When you see someone at the top of a mountain you don't say they fell there.

How did they get to the top of the mountain?? ::

1. Consistency of behavior

Don't wait until you're in the heat of the moment. 
Make some decisions ahead of time where you are not willing to cross the line.

The key to confidence in the bad times is consistency in the good times.

2. Courageous under pressure

They knew who God was.
The book of Isaiah was written before the book of they had access to the verse 43:2.

3. Cut loose by the fire

They were better off after the situation than before.
Strangely wrapped, but a gift.

Firmly tied...came out unbound and unharmed.

1 Peter 1:6-7 greatly rejoice

The only thing that comes out of a fire is preciousness.

When life gets 7X hotter, God's trying to make you 10X better!

God can deliver you from or through.
Sometimes he calls you out of the furnace, other times he calls you to stay in the furnace and he delivers you that way.

Our God is able!
No matter what, He delivers.
And even if He doesn't...

4. Collected and not sour

When there is grace on your life you can live like no one else.

The hard things you go through don't have to define you!

God wants to give you a victor personality and free you from the victim mentality!

Go through bitter experiences without becoming bitter.

Live a life coated in God's power!

Jesus willingly went into the fire so you could safely come out.

John 3:16 

Up In Smoke : week 3

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

No Where To Go But Up

Isaiah 6:1-5

This happened in the year that king Uzziah died.

There were a few good kings.
Outside of David and Solomon, Uzziah was in that top 3. 
He reigned 52 years.
Uzziah sought God, and that's what made him different. 
2 Chronicles 26 tells a lot about his life.
Uzziah was king at 16.

As long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper.

Towards the tail end of his life Uzziah got lifted up with pride and crossed a line he shouldn't have crossed. He got leprosy and had to live out his life in seclusion.

2nd half of vs 1 : I SAW THE LORD!

1. Connection between tribulation and revelation.

Who is your Uzziah : Levi's first ever teaching.

Who are you looking to fulfill things that only God is supposed to fill in you.

That's not rated to hold what you put in it.
Only God is capable of holding the weight of your soul!

In the pain I'm posturing you to receive a new revelation.

Matthew 5:3 MSG

Less of you, more of God!

2. Connection between praise and power

Isaiah 6:4 the cause was praise, the effect was power.

Smoke is a picture of the glory of God.

HOLY : every time the angels passed they see a new thing in God.

Your worship can never get old if you're praising God for something new He's showing you.

Worship starts in heaven and the effect is felt here on earth.

Look up to God from your problems and then look back and see God' glory all around it!!

"The national glory of Israel died out with king Uzziah, and has never revived to this day." Franz Delitzsch

6 wings - only 2 used to carry out their mission, so 4 were used to worship!

Worship God - you become like what you worship!

"I think we delight to praise what we enjoy because the praise not merely expresses but completes the enjoyment; it is its appointed consummation. It is not out of compliment that lovers keep on telling one another how beautiful they are; the delight is incomplete till it is expressed. It is frustrating to have discovered a new author and not to be able to tell anyone how good he is; to come suddenly at the turn of the road upon some mountain valley of unexpected grandeur and then to have to keep silent because the people with you care for it no more than for a tin can in the ditch; to hear a good joke and find no one to share it with...the scotch catechism says that man's chief end is 'to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.' But we shall then know that these are the same thing. Fully to enjoy is to glorify. In commanding us to glorify Him, God is inviting us to enjoy Him." C.S. Lewis

3. Connection between humility and wholeness.

Isaiah falls on his face and says his greatest natural ability (his tongue - writing - speech) is terrible compared to Who I see. 

Don't lose yourself in your own story, find yourself in His story.

4. Connection between availability and opportunity.

Here am I, send me!

The world needs people who have the spirit of a volunteer.

John 12:41
John repeats what Isaiah said after his own encounter. 

All Team Meeting

Chris Gwinn - Fresh Life Church

It's The Thought That Counts...not really

Genesis 18 + 19

Private compromise
Abyss of stickiness

1. Bible reading
2. Prayer
3. Confession
4. Giving
5. Community

Public complacency

To hell with good intentions!

Ditch the compromises

Work in me before you work through me.

Be Jesus.

They have a soul.

Up In Smoke : week 2

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Why God Refuses To Meet You Halfway

Genesis 15:1-18

1. When God Seemed To Be Sleeping

5 years have passed since they left Urr, Abram is 75 now.

You are choosing either your perception of your situation OR faith in God's divine orchestration.

Evaluate your reality in light of God's identity!

Don't be afraid - I AM!!

Look forward, not back.

God's purpose never thwarted - His strategy seldom makes sense.

Learn to process what you're going through.

Don't walk by sight, walk by faith.

We can face whatever we face if we have God to help us process it.

There are bad things in what you're facing, but there's still good inside of it.

Life of surrender and obedience and a God who is in control of everything!

Choose faith.

Fear is a choice, just like faith is.

Take the backseat and trust where God is driving you.

Don't make rash decisions in the storm.

Hold on to what God gave you in the calm when you're in chaos.

Conscious choice to believe your beliefs and doubt your doubts.

Doubt is not the enemy of faith, certainty is.

2. When Abram Was Sleeping

Abram fell asleep.

A darkness spread over the land.

Fire AND smoke.

God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit walking through.

Abram woke up to the smell of smoke.

Mark 15:33

You don't get salvation by achieving but receiving. 

Smoking oven (devise used to carry coal from place to place) and burning torch (oil lamp - four wicks).

God can't meet us halfway because He's going the whole way!

Up In Smoke : week 1

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Good Night Failure, Good Morning Grace

Apostle Peter
One weekend of his life.

Matthew, Mark, Luke + John all give a complimentary account of the same story.

Mark 14:27-31
John 18:15-18 + 25-27

Peter began to curse Jesus as if to say would a disciple of Jesus curse him like this?!

Luke 22:61-62

The power of your tongue!

Peter was talking about how terrible he thought Jesus was as Jesus was walking by.

Peter went to go fishing. 
Basically his way of saying, 'I'm going back to my old way of life.'

John 21:4-19

Jesus was replicating how he called Peter to be his disciple in how He revealed Himself after His resurrection.

If it could happen to Peter it could happen to me.

4 Things That Will Help You Avoid Going Up In Smoke :

1. Keep Your Guard Up

The problem is pride.
If you're standing take head lest you fall.
If you're standing, you're perfectly poised to fall.
Broken heart to see others sin.
Luke 22:31 MSG Simon, stay on your toes!

2. Get Back Up

If you've been knocked down, get back up!
What now?
It helps to think of God as our parent.
Your Father knew you were going to fall before you fell.
Luke 22:32 - when you fall, strengthen your brethren!
It can be something new and something beautiful!

3. Don't Get Tied Up

Look around to those around you and you'll make yourself a critic.
Feed my lambs, feed my sheep, the end of your life is going to be a persecution for your faith...John 21:21 "what about this man?"
God gives you a second chance and you're so tied up in wondering what God has given someone else?!
Hebrews 12:1-2
Don't worry if God has given others more grace!

4. Hold Your Head Up

Separate the forgiveness from the shame.
John 18:18 warming himself by the fire. So Peter is smelling smoke. Chapter 21:9 fire of coals. 
Do you love me? Do you love me? Do you love me?
Jesus gave Peter an opportunity to have a different smell associated with the smell of smoke. 
More powerful than sound or sight is smell.
He heard the rooster and as he did he remembered that Jesus is our Redeemer!

Jesus was saying goodnight to all of Peter's failure and saying good morning to new grace!!

Here are my mistakes, make me new!