Thursday, May 17, 2018

Mother's Day

Jennie Lusko - Fresh Life Church


Definition of mothership : A large vehicle that leads, serves, and carries other small vehicles.

Matthew 1:1
The genealogy of Jesus.

1. Tamar : Genesis 38 - Judah's daughter-in-law
2. Rahab : Joshua 2 - prostitute
3. Ruth : worshipped other idols
4. Listed as the wife of Uriah (whom we know as Bathsheba who slept with king David)
5. Mary : mother of Jesus - full surrender to the Lord

34 mothers weren't mentioned here (the men's names were).

Do you ever feel like anyone could do your job?

You're not just filling a hole that anyone could fill, you are fulfilling God's unique call on your life!

1. Rise Up And Lead
Leaders follow the leader.
Leaders speak life.
Leaders love like they've never been hurt.
(Jensen Franklin book title)
Leaders embrace the season they're in.
1 Peter 1:6-7
Leaders rise up in His strength.
Be aware of who you can bless.

2. Take Your Place And Serve
Romans 12:11
Get in the rhythm of saying yes to God!
Nurturing and caring.
Ruth chose to serve her mother-in-law.
Ephesians 4:1-13
Roots down deep.
If you're not planted, you won't flourish.

3. Carry What He's Given You And Change The World
Each woman in the lineage of Jesus had something she was carrying.
You have a story. 
Your story matters.
What you're carrying is who you are.
Be a genius at being you.
God's given you your story for a reason.
You're carrying the Gospel. 
Mark 16:15
Don't let yourself be faded where you are.
Change the world within your home, your workplace, wherever you are.

Rumble Strip : week 4

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Singing Shoulders

Ephesians 5:14-21

Everything you do for God is a response.

You've got His favor and you cannot lose it!

Gift of the Holy Spirit

From the conscience, companions, to the Comforter!

When you're not paying attention you drift toward selfishness.

Command : understand what the will of God is.
Ephesians 5:17
Love Him, love people.

Knowing His will isn't the problem, doing His will is the problem.
But we have a Helper!

Verses 18-20 are the focus.

Music in your mouth can lift up your day, but God's melody in your heart will light up your life!

The book of Job - creation sings!

Give glory and praise to God like the mountains and rocks.

Being filled with the Spirit is like being intoxicated.
Rumble strips are also called drunk bumps.

The Spirit and spirits can both put you under their control.

Being filled with God's Spirit is to get the thing that being filled with spirits you're trying to get.

Dissimilarities - they both take you to courage and happiness but in different ways.

Alcohol depresses your ability to see your reality.

Acts 2 : full of courage and joy by the Holy Spirit!

2 Kings 6 : Elisha is not phased.

The Spirit of God helps you see more!!
We make foolish decisions when we look for what is already ours.

Dissipation : debauchery - to be spent - to be consumed - a sexual/perverse type of violence.

Good news! We have the power of God's Holy Spirit to supply what we need!

Hypersensitive in a good way to being in control.

You give God more of you, you don't need more of Him!
We don't need more of God, He needs more of us!

The Holy Spirit isn't a force to be conjured but a friend to be cultivated.

Neglect is abuse too.
We're so afraid of abusing the Spirit so we end up neglecting the Spirit.

Gratitude helps!

The Word of God helps!

Colossians has a rant : Colossians 3:16 "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, and gyms and spiritual songs..."

We're not looking to forget, we're looking to remember.

Worship is more than singing, but it is not less.

Singing is an aspect of worship but not the totality of worship.

It's all meant to be a part of your worship experience. Singing, giving, reading His word, etc.

As you tap into the Spirit filled life you are singing with God.

Snow White whistled while she worked, you're singing while you live.

Ask yourself : Could I worship God while I'm doing what I'm doing?

Rumble Strip : week 3

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Ten And Two

Ephesians 5:14-21

Tell 3 people where you're going to be and when you expect to be back.

Who goes looking for you when you're in danger??

Wake up O sleeper!! You're foolish if you think the present isn't going to affect your future!

Rumble Strips save lives.

Exterior rumble strips of the people in our lives.

Time is short. Redeem the time because the days are evil.
Time is wicked fast.

Life expectancy :
81 women
76 men

VS21 Submitting to one another out of reverence to Christ.
Reverence meaning smitten and enamored and in awe.

The behavior leads to the blessings.

Submission : voluntarily place yourself under someone's authority.

When you're following the right voices you avoid the wrong places.

Intentionally make it as hard as possible to ruin your life!

We need to have:

1. The Right People
The core voices in our lives.
You're loco if you're living solo!
Jesus had His 12 and then He had His core 3 within that.
Helping shape your decisions + values.
Nothing is going to shape and impact the trajectory of your life more than who you do life with.
Proverbs 13:20
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future." Craig Groeschel
1 Corinthians 15:33 
When you're living with the wrong people they're rumbling the wrong things.
This life is an assignment.

2. The Right Spirit
Calm down porcupine!
Proverbs 16:18
You're resisting the opportunity to grow.
Grateful heart.
Thank you! You didn't have to say that, and I know that must have been hard.
Proverbs 27:17

3. The Right Questions
Force it to the light!
Will you rumble this because you know me!
What do you think is the most God-honoring decision?
Proverbs 20:5
Accept recommendations instead of seeking affirmations on decisions you've already made!
It's a two-way street.
Others rumble you and you rumble others. 
See something, say something.
Will you love me enough to say something when you see me making bad decisions?
Is there anyone that is going to search for you when you're lost in the forest?

4. The Right Posture
Speak the truth in love.
Galatians 6:1 "Live creatively, friends. If someone falls into sin, forgivingly restore him, saving your critical comments for yourself. You might be needing forgiveness before the day's out."
Eye to eye.
Make it as easy as possible for them to receive your rumble well.
Numbers 13:25 to 14:10
10 said "no" and 2 said, "let's go!"

The enemy doesn't want you to get to the promised land!! 

Rumble Strip : week 2

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

The Gentle Nudge That Could Save Your Life

Ephesians 4:14-21

Advanced notification of eminent destruction.

This week we're talking about : inner rumble strips.

Your conscience. 

It's build into all of us. 
Romans 2:15
Faint whisper that there is right and wrong.

Your conscience is quiet.

Elijah was trying to hear from God and He came in a still, small voice (gentle, quiet, whisper).

Peace or the absence of peace.
Let the peace of God be the umpire (call fair from foul) of your heart.

Our conscience is there to hold us back from danger.

Whenever God says don't, He means don't hurt yourself.

Not as fools. 
Fools ignore the guidance of God.

Romans 2:9

Your conscience isn't there to kill your joy, it's there to give you great joy!

3 reasons why you should give in to your conscience :

1. The more you ignore the harder it is to hear.
1 Timothy 4:2

I want to listen to Your voice.

2. The more you respond to it the more you anticipate it.

The best guide to future rumbles is the guide from past rumbles.

Proverbs 22:3

Lead myself not into temptation.

3. The easier it is to lead you the more places there are you can be taken to

The goal of the rumbling is to get you somewhere else. 

How to apply this message :
1. Get alone with God and let Him whisper to you
2. Ask, what was the last thing He told me to do that I didn't and what can I do to move toward Him?

Rumble Strip : week 1

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Life Is A Highway

Reinvest your miracles or else you will reach the end.

The best detection is early detection.

How much better to be alerted beforehand.

Ephesians 5:14-21

The book of Ephesians has been described as the Grand Canyon of the Bible.

Ephesians is broken down into : Sit. Walk. Stand.

Seated in heavenly places.
Walk/stand is the behavior that should be more and more true of you the longer you're with Jesus.

The behavior follows the blessing.

Don't focus on your behavior to work toward blessing, God wants to give you blessings and your behavior will follow.

Rumble strips let you know that you have gone somewhere you ought not go.

What is the rumble strip saying?
You're moving in the wrong direction!!

1. Drifting Happens
When does drifting happen?
When you're not paying attention.

AWAKE! This is because we drift.

We ask how did we get here? Which is almost comical.

2. Driving Takes Work
Driving takes hands on the wheel.
Constant careful fine-tuning.

Circumspectly : the accuracy that's the outcome of carefulness.

3. You Can't Correct What You Don't Detect
We need wisdom for our murky middle.
Anticipate what's coming.

How many times have we driven into the same ditch?

Proverbs 22:3

The wise lean into the wisdom that comes their way.

Are you willing to open up your heart to God and ask Him to reveal the areas where He wants you to go?!