Friday, November 17, 2017

Second Wind

Levi Lusko - Passion

Jeremiah 12:5
Philippians 1:12

Picking up the theme of endurance, then ended with the idea of being God's fragrance - being the aroma of Christ.

It takes endurance to be the fragrance of Christ.

Philippians : a letter from Paul to the first church he planted.
Things that have happened to me have happened for the furtherance of Christ.
My chains are in Christ!

Courage is contagious.
Fear is faith in the enemy.

When we are steadfast and immovable it helps the people next to us be filled with faith.

Jeremiah was a prophet whom God had His hand on even before he was born.

Bloom where you're planted.

God answers Jeremiah.

If you have run with the footman and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses?

God wants you to get where Paul was at, but to be there you must not get stuck where Jeremiah was at.

Your first wind is not enough.
You don't have enough in your flesh to finish.

"Even though you've written this book, you are still allowed to hurt and allowed to have bad days where you'll have trouble believing what you've written in this book." Louie to Levi

Jesus promised He overcame the world.
In this world you will have tribulation.

1. The only way to your destiny is through difficulty and disappointment.

Jeremiah needed to be challenged. 
He needed to be reminded of his dream.

Never go out in your own strength, go out to build the Kingdom.

Train for the trial that is yet to come.

Lions are always on tiptoe, ready to attack, ready to pounce.

2. There are two sides to every chain.

Paul didn't say, "ugh, I'm chained to this guard." He thought, "the guard is chained to me!"

3. It is an honor to be trusted with pain.
It is an honor to be trusted with trials.

God puts to use what He puts you through.
Would you be willing to use your pain as a platform?
Be fruitful and multiply.

Jesus breaks the bread before He multiplies it.

The devils hope when you hurt is that you would run from God.

In your attempts to live for Jesus :
Don't rely on willpower because you have God's power!
My victory story begins when my victim story ends!

Trust God for a second wind!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

In The Rough

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Exodus 20:24-26
1 Corinthians 2:1-2

God wants to see our worship in the rough.

Starting with the list of commandments and then directly after pivots and tells us how to build an altar. 
Individual/personal altars.

This altar is not a shrine.

Keep it simple.

Have a life of meeting God and seeking God. 

If you use stones to build My altar, use only natural uncut stones.

  • 1. Supernatural effectiveness does not require superficial embellishment.

It's not what you bring to the table it's what Christ brings!

It's not about you - it's about Jesus!

Eugene Peterson 
The primary concern of life is not what we do for God, but what He does for us.

It was not about the cross (used + dirty) it was Jesus on the cross.

  • 2. The power of Christianity is never the packaging, it's the person!
It's about the fact Jesus rose from the dead.
The moment we lose sight of that, there's no power.

The gospel isn't a ceremony for halo polishing it's an emergency room for life-saving!

Jesus didn't come to make bad men good, He came so dead men could live!
There has to be humility to it.
Pride reveals nakedness.

Luke 18:10-14
I failed. Forgive me. Amen.

The moment we remove the rough edges, the moment we remove the effectiveness.
There is no Christianity without our bloody Savior!
We cannot remove the gospel message from Christianity!

  • 3. Your worship doesn't have to be pretty to be powerful!
1 Peter 2:5
I don't have to build an altar - I am the altar.

Bring Him your life as it is.
Right where you are turn that rock into an altar.
If you fall down, worship Him from where you lie.

All works in process. 
It's not always pretty.

It's better to win ugly than to lose pretty.

Charles Spurgeon 
Trembling sinner away with thy tools.

Put your tools away, Jesus is a carpenter!
Let Him fix you, build you, change you!

  • 4. Stones don't have to be uniformly changed, just patiently arranged!
We are all uniquely made.
We can all serve God differently.

Ephesians 4:16

The goal isn't to be like each other.
Take off the masks.

Our differences make us dangerous to the darkness!!

What makes me different?
Honor God with it.
Living unmasked.
Living an authentic life.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

October Surprise : week 3

Levi Lusko  - Fresh Life Church

Mask On, Mask Off

Luke 12:1-3
Dealing with the Pharisees non-stop
The Pharisees wore clothing to show how religious they were.
More tassels meant more rules they followed.
"Pharisee Phoniness"
You can't hide behind a religious mask forever.

We all wear masks.

Masks of 
Perfection : successful
Hero : The hero looks for the victim - the victim falls for the hero - the hero resents the victim
Clone : need to be like everyone else. Chameleon. "don't judge my journey"
Everything's Fine : hurting, messed up, but put on the mask of 'everything is fine' refuse to acknowledge any pain we face. Hide the clutter, double chin, to get the perfect instagram shot. 
Fear : Gruffness, grumpiness. We're scared of intimacy. If they really see us, they won't love us. Suffocating. Self-sabotage. 
Sex-Appeal : Provocative. The need to be desired. The need to win approval. Craving love, to be viewed as beautiful.
Funny Guy : feel insecure, so we try to be funny. Perpetuating narcissism. Laugh it off becomes a defense mechanism. Deflecting the real me, that you're so sure no one would like. 

Why do we wear these masks?
Because we're afraid.
We've been hurt.
We just don't like ourselves.
We've forgotten who we really are.

We'll never be able to experience all God has.

Verb : mask off
Protects things you don't want to get paint on.

God can't bless what isn't authentically you.

Exhausting to keep up with the masks you wear.

"Multi-masking is soul taxing." Carl Lentz

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" Sir Walter Scott

The only way to love is to risk.

1 John 1:9 
God forgives and cleanses.
James 5:16
People help you heal.

We need each other for prayer.
We need each other.

4 Ways it's true:
1. People can't love you if they don't know you.
2. What you wear to obtain you must wear to retain.
3. We can't heal what you conceal.
4. God can't use who you WISH you were.

The first 3 have selfish benefit.
Fight for vulnerability.
Deception erodes intimacy.
Shame gives us a place to hide.
The 4th one : the mask needs to come down so you can help others.

David and Goliath
Right before the battle King Saul tried to put David in soldiers armor to give the perception that David was a soldier.
That could have killed David because he was NOT a soldier and was not used to wearing armor. 
What David felt was holding him back (that he wasn't a solider) was really his asset.

That person you're wanting to be, is probably not who they really are. 
So don't be jealous of a copy, of a copy, of a copy.

We are the most obese, addicted, in-debt, medicated generation who's ever lived.

You can choose to tale the mask off!
God can take any mask off! 

October Surprise : week 2

Fresh Life Church 
Levi Lusko and Matt Lamb

A Part of the Process
John 3:1-17

Incremental and not instantaneous
When God touches somebody...there's much more that meets the eyes that happened behind the scenes.

People are in process.
Everyone is in process of God revealing His love for them.

You have a part to play in others process.

God so LOVES the world!

Matt Lamb :

5 Things We Can Learn From These Scriptures :

1. He earned the right to be heard.
God lived in a way that allowed doors to be opened.
John 3:2

2. He was willing to be inconvenienced.
Late one night...that's when Nicodemus visited Jesus.
The powerful moments often happen at the most inopportune times.
We must have the mindset that we are never off-duty.

3. He listed and asked questions.
Jesus listened when necessary and asked questions when needed.
An example of give and take in a relationship.
Give the present of our presence.
People don't care how much you know if they don't know how much you care.

4. He pointed to the cross.
Communicated the gospel clearly and lovingly.
Numbers 1 God sent fiery servants.
The path to the kingdom of God wasn't through a crown, but through the cross.

5. He trusted seeds to do their work.
He wasn't focused on the growing, He was focused on the sowing.
My job is obedience, God's job is the outcome.
John 7:50-51
The interaction lingered long after.

Isaiah 55:11 It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.

When Jesus died on the cross Nicodemus is watching and remembered the conversation he had with Jesus.

John 19:38-42 Joseph of Arimathea in vs 39 says Nicodemus came with Joseph to help him embalm Jesus.

People are not projects, they are people!
Love people!

1 Corinthians 3:6
You being in a cameo role in someone's story...God can use that.