Friday, October 21, 2016

In Other Words

Preached by Levi Lusko

Luke 9:44-56

Let "these words" sink into your ears.
The Gospel.

1. Self-Exaltation
The Gospel is the ultimate humiliation.
They were living in the opposite way of the Gospel.

Grace to the humble.

A few paragraphs ahead "The Mount of Transfiguration."
Friction comes when we think God's giving 'them' something bigger or better.

We have all been called to be faithful.

Never more susceptible to pride than after a huge success.

2. Division
As long as we have the same core beliefs we should know we're all working toward the same goal. Quit splitting hairs over inconsequential things.
Preaching the gospel with the wrong motive.
Philippians 1:8

3. Retribution
a.k.a. getting even

Your words are of the wrong spirit.
The Son of Man did not come to destroy.

God didn't give us our power to torch people, but to touch people!!!

Acts 8:25
Get yourself a piece of humble pie.

The goal isn't getting even, it's getting people to Heaven!!!

Start giving out the Grace that you've been given!

Set your face.
Come hell or high water - you're set!