Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church
Acts 2
Vs 38 repent
Used to introduce an epic moment, transformation.
God plants good dreams in to the human race.
God intends for our life story to be using the weak parts powerfully.
1. The Church is supercharged by the Holy Spirit
Who is He?
The Holy Spirit if fully God.
How do you interact with the Holy Spirit?
With. In. Upon.
John 14:16-17
When someone is saved it's the Holy Spirit ringing the doorbell.
The most malnourished/ignored is the Holy Spirit being upon you.
Acts 1 : You shall receive power.
Empowers you to make the right decisions.
He's the one activating the gifts in your heart.
Without the Spirit we flutter around like butterflies, not soar like eagles!
Be being filled with the spirit.
Ongoing thing.
Supernatural power but natural in how it comes across.
What is is like to have the Holy Spirit : to have the help of a friend when you're trying to move.
The test if you're filled with the Holy Spirit:
1. Focus on Jesus.
2. Increased love.
Jesus has a submissive spirit to The Father.
Galatians 5:22
2. The Church is Global
There is only one church.
Ephesians 4:4-6
One body.
3. The Church is Eternal
Common Union
Hebrews 12:22
Don't fall into the same ditch I did.
4. The Church is Forgiven
Sin : not doing what you should have done, and doing what you shouldn't have done.
Forgiveness is being let off the hook fully, forever, and freely.
Romans 8:15
The devil will try to trick you.
To the extent you feel forgiven you will be fearless.
Psalm 103:5
Get over yourself.
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