Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church
Matthew 5:13-16
Psalm 34:8
Everyone can find what their soul is longing for with a relationship with Jesus.
The world can't taste and see if we're not the salt and light.
Chris Gwinn (Kalispell campus pastor)
Regardless of your upbringing these are not suggestion to consider, this should be your lifestyle
Participation we're supposed to have.
What our participation looks like.
When Jesus said this, salt had three distinct purposes
Can't represent a Word we don't know.
Let this transform you so you will live a life of integrity.
Constantly surrounded by people who are hurting, we are to be an antiseptic.
We need to be people who enhance the lives of others.
What's the aftertaste you leave behind?
William Barclay
There should be sheer sparkle...diffuser of joy
That we're meant to shine on the world.
Light is the outcome of being salt.
This is when they didn't have electricity.
Light had three distinct purposes
Godly gossip :: we were talking about (good characteristics) you.
In the dark low moments of life is when you're supposed to shine the brightest.
We are to be a smiling people!
As we shine bright we shine a perspective on God.
God unleashed His purpose.
All to God's glory.
Good in the Greek.
If how you live your life was the only perspective they have about God...
Let us own this responsibility.
Ephesians 5:14
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