Thursday, August 29, 2019

Morning, Noon, Night : week 4

Jennie and Levi sat down with Debra Fileta 

Debra is a licensed counselor and author of the book True Love Dates and Choosing Marriage

We have to be working on a healthy soul.

We’re giving ourselves a life without quiet or solitude. 

We ARE made for community, but if we don’t make any time for solitude then we don’t have any time for Jesus because He speaks during rest.

How much more could God do without burnout.

Counseling is typically a last ditch effort.

God is in it all, and He wants us to align to Him in all those areas.

Sometimes the emotional manifests as physical.

Identify emotions, express, and walk through emotions.

Our past can affect our present.

Bring someone else’s eyes into it.

You can get so used to your junk that you don’t see it anymore.

You can put so much of your best face foreword that you forget your real face.

How healthy are your 

Physical Health
Interactions with others
Behaviors (what are you doing in your free time)

The power of “no.”

Difference between selflessness and passivity.

Put to death your sinful nature.

God has called us to do a few things well.

Everything I’m saying yes to means I’m saying no to other things.

Flesh and blood people who keep us accountable, and iron sharpening iron, and calling us out on our junk.

The choices you’re making today, the daily choices/disciplines/patterns affect the stonework of your future.

We is greater than me.

There has to be healthy me before healthy we.

The natural trajectory of marriage is “drift.”

The natural human nature is sin.

Have a time of confession and check-in.

We all are a work in progress.

I picked up her book after service and here are my notes from it...

Choosing Marriage by Debra Fileta

“At some point we all want out because we’re human, and there’s no one human being on earth who will give us everything we need.”

Who am I?

Where did I come from?

What has shaped me and which parts of my life need healing?

Where am I headed and what is God’s calling on my life?

In what ways am I allowing my relationship with Jesus to change me and fill me up?

“You can’t hold someone responsible for something you never told them they were responsible for.”

Selflessness is never about convenience; it’s always about sacrifice.

The enemy is on high alert because he sees the potential our marriages have to become great. He knows the great blessing a marriage can be.

God wants to strengthen us for the unseen spiritual and emotional battles we will face in marriage, but the only way we can prepare is by exchanging our emptiness for God’s fullness.

Receive it. Only through the love of our God can you be filled.
Filled enough to give.
Filled enough to serve.
Filled enough to sacrifice.
Filled enough to move from selfishness to holiness. 
Filled enough to choose marriage.

The realization that we are just as capable of wrongdoing as everyone else has the power to not only increase our love for God, but heighten our grace for others.

You can’t experience real love with a person until you’ve experienced the entirety of a person — the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful.

We are often attracted to people who add something to our life. So yes, opposites do attract. But then as I like to go on and say, “Opposites attract, but then they attack.” The very same personality traits that draw you to someone initially are the exact traits that can cause conflict and strife later on in your relationship.


Marry someone who will make you better.

Morning, Noon, Night

Levi Lusko


Genesis 2:1
God saw everything He made, and saw that it was GOOD!

He takes a 7th day to catch His take a break.

Constantly going causing a disconnect.

"If the devil can't make us bad, he'll just make us busy." Corrie Ten Boom

God modeled for us and then required of us...

4th Commandemnt
REMEMBER the Sabbath

Sabbath is a Person
More than a day, but not less!

and then

What God did in this part of Genesis was done before the law and before the fall.
This was His plan and purpose for us in the VERY beginning!

Romans 2:9
If you go against the grain you'll get splinters.

1. You were made to work

What comes before the day off?
Six days you should work.

Genesis 2:15
Work it and keep it

Work and keep what God has called you too.

To rest :: Shabbat :: means to stop with admiration flowing

You can't stop and appreciate anything if you haven't done anything.

Colossians says you can do any task to the glory of God.

There is tired in a good way.

The enemy finds an easy target for temptation when you're being lazy.

The good feeling of a day well spent. 
Find that satisfaction. To the glory of God!

2. You were made to rest

Rest is a weapon!

It's challenging to tempt a healthy person.

If you don't rest where you should you'll look for it where you shouldn't!

You rest, because of what I've done.

Adam was made. His first task was to rest.

When we're resting we're not trying to numb ourselves with dull stuff.

No days off because we're going to be on at work and on on our days off.

"Today going I'm to pamper my soul!" A rabbi

Replenish your soul that's withered from work.

Mark 2:23-27

The Sabbath was made for man.
A gift that was given.

Do you need more than you have?

Matthew 11:28
Are you tired? Are you worn out? Come to Me!

It's Not Supposed To Be This Way

Lysa TerKeurst - visiting Fresh Life for Summer Reading Series

Revelation 2:13
That's a beautiful vision for "one day" but what about "today?"

Where does disappointment come from?
What can we do about it?

Genesis 2:6-9 + 15-17
Genesis 25 naked and felt NO SHAME

The enemy is trying to make us feel that the Bible is too difficult to understand and too difficult to live out.

When we're in isolation the enemy can influence us.

We serve a God of freedom.
He gives us some restriction for the betterment of ourselves.

It's very dangerous for us to add to God's Word.
It's dangerous to add our own opinion on God's Word.
God's Word is clear.

God was trying to protect them from the weight of the knowledge of evil.

It's the very thing that makes us question, "why God?"

We will steer where we stare.

What provision is all around you that you're not recognizing?

Their eyes were opened.

God asks, "where are you?"
He knows where they are physically.
Come out of your place of hiding.

Get off Facebook and get your face in My book!

God asks, "How do you know you're naked?"
Someone else's words became the words of our story.

God doesn't want their words to becomes words of our story, God wants His words to become THE words of the story of our lives.

Sin always comes as a package deal with consequences.

Revelation 22 Eden restored!
There will no longer be any curse.

Right now we're doing life between two gardens.

It's no wonder we crave perfection, it was etched into our souls.

If lesser loves ever satisfied us, we would not need Jesus.

The Middle Garden
Mark 14:32

Faith and feelings come in conflict.
Feeling like God hasn't fixed it in the timing you want.

"Take this from me."

"Yet not what I will, but what You will."

We serve a God who is to be trusted and not tamed.

God knows, and He will.

"The enemy wants us paralyzed and compromised by what-ifs, opinions, accusations, and misunderstandings."

my notes from the book Parenting : 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family by Paul David Tripp

Principle : Nothing is more important in your life than being one of God’s tools to form a human soul.

God never sends you without going with you.

It is only rest in God’s presence and grace that will make you a joyful and patient parent. 

“I am deeply persuaded that what is missing in most Christian parent’s parenting are the big grand perspectives and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

“What is the will and plan of the One who sent me?”

“When your child questions the to them about a loving Redeemer, who not only created them but she’d His blood for them so that they could know and do what is right. When your child wonders about what is right and what is wrong, don’t just threaten them with the law of God; woo them with the sweet music of the grace of God. When they are struggling with what God says is right, don’t talk of God as just a judge, but as a helper and a friend who meets us in our weakness with forgiveness, wisdom, and strength.  Blow your child away with God’s patience, mercy, and love. Talk again and again about how He willingly exercises His power for our help, benefit, and rescue. Go beyond enforcing your authority and point to His authority, and go beyond pointing to His authority to pointing your children to His grace.”

“God uses our marriages and our parenting to expose our hearts to us.”

“God’s grace rescues you from you.”

God delivers us from sin.
God rescues us from the power of sins grip.
God has the ability to give new hearts. 
God creates lasting change.

God rescues, redeems, and restores.

“If we are going to teach our children to run to Jesus daily, we must run to Jesus daily as well. If we want our children to be sad in the face of the sin of their hearts and hands, we must mourn our sin as parents as well.” 

“It is only when we are willing to confess that we are more like than unlike our children, that we ourselves need parenting every day, that we will be parents in need of a father’s grace who will again and again lead our children to the grace of the Father.”

“When you are too concerned about your public face, you don’t seek the help you need in your struggle because in order to seek that help you have to admit that you’re not doing so well.”

Parent with :
  1. Process Mentality
  2. One Unending Conversation 
  3. Project Mentality 

“The needs of your children will get you up early in the morning, will interrupt you a hundred times during the day, and will even interfere with your sleep, but dependent is what they are and care is what God has called you to.”

Children need to know we are their allies. We are here to do anything we can to protect, support, and guide them. 

Don’t give way to irritation, frustration, impatience, or discouragement. We move toward our children with the grace of forgiveness, wisdom, correction, and rescue, and we pray every day that God will empower our work as parents, and that He will change our children at the deepest of levels where every human being, including us, needs to be changed.

Sin makes us want our own way. Sin makes us want to set our own rules. Sin convinced all of us that we know better. Sin causes me to want to do what I want to do when and how I want to do it. Sin makes me resist being told what to do by another. Sin really does insert me in the center of my world, the one place that I must never be because it is the place for God and God alone. 

“People who are committed to self-rule won’t submit to the rules of another, and because they won’t submit to the rules of another, they won’t think that they are wrong or confess their wrongs, and because they don’t confess their wrongs, they won’t seek God’s help. You could argue that the drive for self-rule is the thing that, apart from God’s grace, separates us and our children from God. You could not consider a more central issue for every child ever born than this one. To reject authority is to reject God, who is the authority over all authority, and rejection of God never has and never will go anywhere good.”

“Remember, because everything they do comes out of their hearts, everything they do reveals their hearts. Helping your children see what their behavior reveals about their hearts is gospel work.”

Obedience is a willing submission of my heart to the authorities that God has placed in my life.

“We have a problem here. Mommy wasn’t being unkind to you. Mommy didn’t ask you to do something bad, but you’re yelling at mommy. When you yell at mommy you are trying to be the mommy of mommy. When you try to be mommy’s mommy then you don’t have a mommy to guide and protect you.” 

“Be careful to always pay attention to the content and character of your heart.”

“You are always dealing with the thing that controls words and behavior: the heart.”

“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flows the springs of life.” Proverbs 4:23

How Do You Parent A Fool?
  1. Glory : capturing His glory in every day moment
  2. Wisdom : pointing to how beautiful, protective, practical, helpful, and good God’s wisdom is
  3. Story : tell the story of the person and work of Jesus
  4. Welcome : God extends a welcome for us to confess our foolishness, to seek His forgiveness, and receive His eternal help

Wisdom came to rescue fools so that fools would become wise.

Parenting is about parenting the heart, and parenting the heart means recognizing and dealing with the foolishness that is in the hearts of all of our children. 

Children don’t just need God’s law. They are also born with a deep, abiding need for His grace, and we are called to be tools of that grace in the hearts and lives of our children.

If you want to be God’s tool of heart rescue and heart change in the lives of your children, you have to humbly be willing to start with your own heart.

“They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen.

Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭1:25, 28-32‬ ‭NLT‬‬
The Bible connects character issues to worship.

“Your children don’t so much need character management as they need worship realignment.”

“Parenting is being willing to expend your time, gifts, energies, and resources in a daily battle of worship as God’s tool in the lives of your children. Every struggle is an opportunity give to you by a God of amazing grace to get at those deeper issues for the sake of the redemption, rescue, and transformation of your children. God will give you everything you need to engage yourself in that deeper war.”


A Grain Of Salt and A Beam Of Light

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Matthew 5:13-16

Psalm 34:8

Everyone can find what their soul is longing for with a relationship with Jesus.

The world can't taste and see if we're not the salt and light.

Chris Gwinn (Kalispell campus pastor)

Regardless of your upbringing these are not suggestion to consider, this should be your lifestyle

Participation we're supposed to have.

What our participation looks like.

When Jesus said this, salt had three distinct purposes 

Can't represent a Word we don't know.
Let this transform you so you will live a life of integrity.

Constantly surrounded by people who are hurting, we are to be an antiseptic.

We need to be people who enhance the lives of others.

What's the aftertaste you leave behind?

William Barclay
There should be sheer sparkle...diffuser of joy

That we're meant to shine on the world.
Light is the outcome of being salt.

This is when they didn't have electricity.

Light had three distinct purposes

Godly gossip :: we were talking about (good characteristics) you.

In the dark low moments of life is when you're supposed to shine the brightest.

We are to be a smiling people!

As we shine bright we shine a perspective on God.

God unleashed His purpose.

All to God's glory.

Good in the Greek.

If how you live your life was the only perspective they have about God...

Let us own this responsibility.

Ephesians 5:14

Buried Treasure [in this dirt]

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

2 Corinthians 4:6-7

The dirt of the church contains buried treasure.

Genesis 2:7

Earthen vessels - the modern day equivalent of tupperware (where you store leftovers).

It's not us, it's what goes in us!

To get what is in us out to the world.

Matthew 18:20 something about the gathering

We were brought so we can bring.

This revelation changes //

1. How we speak

When God wanted to see something, He spoke something different.

How do you speak of your church? It's the bride of Christ.

How do you speak of your marriage?

How do you speak of your...

2. We sacrifice

We have the capacity to build a church that can change a city, nation, world!

3. Setbacks

"Church is a place where things are shattered -- and that's a good thing!" Dietrich

2 Corinthians 4:8-9 

The way they handled the problem is how they found the art!

Judges keep the torch covered.

Don't shout at the darkness, light the candle.

4. The way we see 

He'll open up new things we'll be able to do.

2 Corinthians 4:17

Everything changes when you're mad about the house!

Mother's Day

Jennie Lusko - Fresh Life Church


Speaking to the king inside the boy.
Speaking to the queen inside the girl.
Speaking to the warrior inside the fool.

Waiting but knowing there is something more around the corner.

A little every day goes a long way.

What you utter matters.

Self control brings strength.

What you're practicing now is what you'll live later.

The things his mom uttered became his sayings.

Take your time

Don't rush the season you're in.

Work while you wait

When you're in it, do it.

God I'm reporting for duty.

Half the battle is deciding you're going to do it.

Strong arms, eager hands

Smile while you wait.

There's always more.
There's more in this life and the next.

2 Corinthians 4:16

John 1:16 grace heaped

Galatians 6:9

Power Of Your Posse

Levi Lusko

God intends for you to feel backed up in this life.
You never need to feel like you're running solo.

Make sure you're gathering.

Spur one another on.
Spur is last resort.

Chris Gwinn (Kalispell campus pastor)

Five Things You'll Experience If You Live This Out, You'll ::

1. Meet who you need to meet!

Are these people helping us grow in our relationship with God?

Exuberant, enthusiastic, encouraging.

2. Hear what you need to hear!

Not necessarily what you want to hear.

Proverbs 27:17 we're all meant to make each other better.

3. Give what you need to give!

We are not made to simply receive.

When we hoard our blessings we'll become dead to more blessing.

Stop GOING to church, BE the church!

1 Peter 4:10-11

4. Develop habits we need to develop!

You'll want to go to church more.
You'll want to read your Bible more.

There's a form of protection that happens when things aren't going how you hoped.

Develop habits fixed on heaven for when it hurts like hell.

5. You become who you were born to be!

The character you know you have within you will develop.

Surround yourself with people who speak your real name.

They'll remind you that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.


Back to Pastor Levi

Prioritize Him.

The things we'll miss if we're not prioritizing we'll look for elsewhere.

The darker the country gets, the brighter we need to shine!

Dust and Blood

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Daniel 12:2

Genesis 2 

Acorns And Oak Trees
1 Corinthians 15:43

Already But Not Yet

There will be a new creation but currently we're living here in between.

Not just a destination but a motivation.

Lets be representatives of heaven.
Give. Love. Serve.

Let us live in such a way that says on earth as it is in heaven.

Legens and Longings
In your heart there's a secret longing.
You have felt your entire life that you're on a quest.
Your whole life you've been seeking real life.

Surprise by Joy C.S. Lewis

Eggs and Baskets
What basket are you storing your eggs in?

Where do you have your portion?

Our temptation is to reject God's promise and store our eggs in this worlds basket.

Job 19:24-25

John 5:28

Butterflies and Eagles

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Acts 2


Vs 38 repent

Used to introduce an epic moment, transformation.

God plants good dreams in to the human race.

God intends for our life story to be using the weak parts powerfully. 

1. The Church is supercharged by the Holy Spirit

Who is He?
The Holy Spirit if fully God.

How do you interact with the Holy Spirit?
With. In. Upon.
John 14:16-17

When someone is saved it's the Holy Spirit ringing the doorbell.

The most malnourished/ignored is the Holy Spirit being upon you.
Acts 1 : You shall receive power.

Empowers you to make the right decisions.
He's the one activating the gifts in your heart.

Without the Spirit we flutter around like butterflies, not soar like eagles!

Be being filled with the spirit.
Ongoing thing.

Supernatural power but natural in how it comes across.

What is is like to have the Holy Spirit : to have the help of a friend when you're trying to move.

The test if you're filled with the Holy Spirit:
1. Focus on Jesus.
2. Increased love.

Jesus has a submissive spirit to The Father.

Galatians 5:22

2. The Church is Global

There is only one church.

Ephesians 4:4-6
One body.

3. The  Church is Eternal

Common Union

Hebrews 12:22

Don't fall into the same ditch I did.

4. The Church is Forgiven

Sin : not doing what you should have done, and doing what you shouldn't have done.

Forgiveness is being let off the hook fully, forever, and freely.

Romans 8:15

The devil will try to trick you.

To the extent you feel forgiven you will be fearless.

Psalm 103:5

Get over yourself.

Yours, Mine, and Ours

Jennie Lusko - Fresh Life Church


Bring Your Own Significant Other

When we choose to see the significance in us and in our significant other we will grow in our purpose and power.

Genesis 2:7 + 15 + 18 + 21-25

1. Understand The Significance of You!

God is creative, He loves to make something out of no one, He is a fashion designer.

Mathew Henry
She was not made out of his head but rather near his heart to be loved.

You are uniquely made.

God's breath on you and in you is what makes you special.

Ephesians 2:10

2. Choose To See The Significant Other

You can choose to see the significant.

Go back to the early days and remember why you were attracted in the beginning.

Be an expert in your spouse.
Be observant. The things he loves.

Choose to see the good, the love.

"Speak to the king and not to the fool." Alex Seeley

Philippians 2:3

If you're having a hard time with seeing the significance in your spouse, ask God to show you.

2. Love The Significance Of Your Role

You can change from sour too sweet.

You can grow to be the very best wife you can be.

Point the finger inward.

Galatians 6:5

Take responsibility for your own role.

Colossians 3:17

Psalm 26:11-12
As for me...

Love the significance of your role together.

Genesis 2:24 
Unity - to designate exclusively.

Fighting forward together.

Mathew 19:5

Both naked and they felt no shame.

Vulnerability is the key to intimacy.

Share, listen to your significant other.

Conflict in marriage.

Conflict is actually really important.
If we are on the same team, conflict is necessary and needed for growth.

Our ultimate role is a loving and intimate relationship to imitate Jesus and the church.

Baby Monsters

Levi Lusko  - Fresh Life Church

Judges 16: 16-20

He discovered the power of monsters when you let them get big.

What happens when you don't keep a secret?

Declaring to God that you're dependent on Him.

Psalm 25
The secret

It started with a small compromise.

Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

There are temptations what we make harder on ourselves.

Not supposed to drink : Sampson was in the vineyard.

Not supposed to touch anything dead : getting honey out without touching the lion.

What is going on in your life that you're not telling people about?

Being evasive.

Almost touching dead things. Almost drinking alcohol.

Slowly desensitized.

There's always a call of God on your life.
Twenty years from now you could be scarily far from where God has called you.

The seed for every sin is in every heart.

How far can I stray from God but still technically be with Him.

Romans 13:14
Make no provision

Knowing sin wants to get in, and the enemy wants to mess us up, your thought should be a lifetime of pleasing God!

1 Corinthians 10:12

Sampson thought, I'm strong enough to handle this.

Do something crazy to your sin so that your sin doesn't do something crazy to you!

Anything that keeps me from Your will, I will treat like a tumor and cut it out!

Sampson was taken out.

It should scare you so bad that you're saying, 'I don't want that to be my story!'

When you ignore God's instruction you reject His protection.

After he was taken out he gets a fresh start. It took him losing his sight to really see how things were. Judges 16:22 the hairs of his head began to grow back. His story ends in humility.

It's not too late.

Your best days could come after your biggest failure.