Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church
1 Peter 1:3-12
Peter the apostle hung out with Jesus for 3.5 years.
A.W. Tozer described him as "a bundle of contradictions."
The audience is Christians living in 5 different places (modern day Turkey).
And then those who are scattered, suffering, strangers.
You are the salt of the world, but you have to be scattered.
But don't forget the gathering as well.
Stranger - an exile living far from home.
Your true Home is heaven.
He spoke to them of triumph!
The inevitability of the sunrise!
The wonders of Jesus coming!
Into your circumstances of Him being a part of your life.
He saw Paul the apostle be put to death.
Difficult days are coming.
God used ordinary fisherman who ended up preaching to the ends of the empire.
Don't ever let anyone laugh you out of the dreams God has put in your heart.
Trials are temporary but triumph is forever!!
Trials come for a reason or a season.
Triumphs mentioned::
1. New life (centered on new Hope)
2. In the Will (our inheritance)
3. Access to the Father through praise (joy inexpressible)
4. Deepened (what you're producing in me I will keep...refining me into gold)
New state of mind.
When something dawns upon you, you understand things differently.
Yes, celebrate Jesus is coming! But also believing for bright colors in our life as we face things right now.
Fueled by Hope and flamed by Grace!
You've been given that pressure for a purpose!
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