Monday, November 16, 2015

Palm Sunday

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

April 13th, 2014

Ephesians 3:20

The How
Catching Fire

How do we catch this Fire?
How do we rely on the Holy Spirit from day to day?
It's not just for our gathering it's for the scattering.

Ephesians 5:18

1. It's not a suggestion, it's a command.

DO NOT be drunk with wine, but DO be filled with the Holy Spirit.
This tells us that it is possible to be filled with the Holy Spirit, because He never tells us something that can not be done.
His command is pregnant with enablement, always.
Be humble, be patient, love your filled with the Holy Spirit.
When he tells us to do something, he means it.
It's an action.
It's not something where we wait for Him to show up.
It's sort of mysterious, but God gave us revelation to have clarity.
Ask my Father and you will be filled with the Holy Spirit.
You start by wanting it, you must desire Him.

Desire it
Ask for it
Believe you've received it
Go in faith

If there were a sure sign that you were filled with the Spirit, there would be no faith in the matter.

John 7, Jesus had been glorified, so the Spirit has come.
You still need to wait on The Lord, but you also need to just GO!
Be on a mission to go fishin'!

2. It's an ongoing relationship, not a one time thing.

Be (being) filled with the Spirit.
An ongoing reality.
It's a lifestyle of living under the spout where the glory comes out.
We're meant to have rivers flowing out of us, so we're meant to be continually filled.
Constantly top yourself off, don't rely on past fillings.
Every thing is an opportunity to pour out onto them.
Pray without ceasing.
Send out those text message prayers.

3. Only you can prevent yourself from being on fire.

Ephesians 4:30
It's possible to live in such a way that makes the Holy Spirit sad.
1 Thessalonians 5:19
Not responding to His promptings.

A. Be mindful of His allergies.
Let Christ's spirit dwell in you richly.
Do not be prideful.
Be emptied of yourself.
It's good for brethren to be united.
Oil in the Bible is always a symbol of the spirit.
In one accord...united...filled with the Spirit. 
He is allergic to division/
Dying to ourselves.

B. Sweat the small stuff.
Little things make the big difference with the Holy Spirit.
A little sinning does matter.
A nail in a car tire can stop the whole car.
Small things can cause big issues.
If you ignore your teeth, they'll go away.

When you get drunk, past the point of casual drinking, you lose control.
When you're filled with the spirit, you're filled with His influence.

Noah - Genesis 8
Noah sent out a dove to find land, came back with nothing.
Noah sent out a second dove, came back with an olive branch.
The third dove never came back because it found enough land to live on.
The Spirit will descend on you like a dove.
Make room for the spirit. Give Him space to land. 

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