Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church
1 Peter 2:9
1. You are not ordinary!
> He chose you!
> You are royal priesthood
> His own special people
2. God wants to make a star out of you!
> Godly living
>Soul winning
3. Your voice is too good to waste on yourself!
> We exist to bring glory to God!
4. The world is waiting for us to harmonize!
> We must unite.
5. There are many who will try to silence you!
Acts 9:15
The suffering that we all face is not an obstacle for God working through our lives, it's an opportunity to be used like never before.
There is not someone "too far gone" that cannot be saved. Look at Paul the apostle.
He persecuted all Christians, and then was saved.
Through suffering Paul would shine.
1. This is going to hurt!
> You will suffer many things for Jesus' name.
> With great power comes great difficulty.
> John 3:2- the people around you will try to lessen your glow.
> You have 3 enemies : the world, the flesh, and the devil
> 1 Thess. 3 God has appointed you to certain affliction
> You cannot be used greatly apart from pain.
2. The more it hurts the louder you get!
> There is a connection between pain and volume
> 1 Peter 2 We need to follow in Jesus' footsteps
> We pay "shipping & handling"
> You must not be selfish with your pain.
> When you're hurting, other people around you get more quiet.
> Non-believers want to see your response to suffering : you proclaim Jesus is the light of the world, now your power's cut off, they want to see if you can glow in the dark.
> You can hear God better, because He gets closer.
> In your weakness, His strength is made perfect.
3. Pain can open doors that would otherwise remain locked!
> Pain can give you avenues of influence
> Esther: She had to become an orphan in order to be used to save her people
> Daniel: He had to be kidnapped from his family in order to do all the great things he did
> David: His greatest Psalms came from his greatest suffering
> God gives you unique opportunities to shine your light in dark places when you go through difficult trials.
4. God's plan is to sabotage all of your suffering!
> Joseph: sold into slavery by his brothers & wrongly jailed...but when he had an opportunity to have retaliation on his brothers he chose kindness, and goodness.
>Job: he was the most righteous person on earth during his time, Job's life was in shambles, but Job remerged twice as blessed because God is working to undermine the enemies plan(s).
> Acts 2:23 Good was brought out of the worst thing that's ever happened.
5. It can take longer to set up the system than to deliver the message!
> It takes so much preparation to set up a Skull Church event only for 120 minutes to preach the gospel.
> Be patient!
> Do not lose heart as you're dealing with pain, it's a platform that you can use to rise higher in new levels of influence.
> What man meant for evil God meant for good!
1. Life is not a game to be played but a war to be waged.
2. Desires can be the death of your calling.
3. Effectiveness on the outside is determined by integrity on the inside.
4. Activity flows from identity.
The Family
1. Occupy servant roles.
2. Love your wife sacrificially >> submit to your husband.
3. Being a parent is an influential role.
Make sure you're setting the best example.
4. God is not afraid of your failures.
Words of warning for your microphone :
1. The same thing that makes you powerful makes you dangerous.
2. You'll never sound right using someone else's microphone.
3. The bigger you get the less effective you become.
Pride is the first sin.
4. You can miss out on a miracle while waiting for your mic to come.
Teach me to number my days!!
1. No words are listened to like last words.
2. The things you've done live on.
We should live so to be missed when we're dead!
3. It forces people to consider their end.
4. The crown jewel of our faith is put on display.