Monday, November 16, 2015

Through The Eyes Of A Lion : Hidden In Plain Sight

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

The righteous are as bold as a lion.

There is power in the pain.
Suffering is powerful.
Beyond drugs and alcohol, grief is the most mind altering physical experience.

1. Looks Can Be Deceiving
2 Corinthians 4:18
Fix our gaze.

Your eye has rods and cones.
Rods see shapes.
Optic nerve - have a blind spot.

Spiritually there are things hiding in plain sight.
Genesis 3 - you will not die, when you eat of the tree your eyes will be opened.

2. Eternity Becomes Visible By Faith
You've never met a normal person in your life.
People are destined for impact.
Burdened with glorious purpose.
God has a plan.
Look at problems - He's working things together for GOOD!
I am not alone - I will fear no evil.

3. Nearsightedness Must Be Constantly Corrected
It's not one and done.
Put on your glasses. The telescope of faith.
Put on faith each and every day.
The battle for your eyes is won through your ears.
Roman 10:17
Faith comes by hearing...
If your faith is falling maybe your not letting God's word fall into your heart!

4. Seeing The Invisible, You Can Do The Impossible
Hebrews 11:34
Faith will give you strength.
Hebrews 11:37
Faith gives us strength for the even harder stuff too.

Don't lose heart, take heart.
Peace that passes understanding.
Joy unspeakable.
An anchor for your soul.

Life is a marathon, it's an endurance sport.

You have to look at life through the right LENS of faith.

Creature of Habit : Breaking Bad Habits

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church


Good Habits
Missing Habits
Bad Habits

Cue - Routine - Reward -- repeat

What will this habit keep me from?

Jesus was a creature of habit.

Mark 10:1

God cleans His fish after He catches them.

You'll be happy if you get trigger happy.
Every bad habit, you need to write the cue next to it.
Sometimes its environmental triggers, so you can just avoid those places completely.

Romans 13:14
Make no access for cues.
Limit your access to the power of triggers.

Put your workout clothes out the night before.
Eat your "bad" food with the opposite hand!
Behavior is contagious.
Two or more gathered more prosperous.

Willpower is real power.

Baby steps create movement.
You can start an avalanche by rolling a small snowball down a hill.

Every problem is a worship problem.

At the middle of every habit circle is a craving.
Habits are all about desires.
Desires are about worship.
We're created to worship.
Any bad habit is worship gone wrong.

Continually - a habit
Psalm 34:1
Hebrews 13:15

Creature of Habit 2

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

January 14th, 2015 **Fresh Life's 8th year!**

What habits are we in?
Present your life in Christ, a living sacrifice.
If your habits aren't awesome, the best you can give God is 60%.
When we think of habits we think of bad habits.

Good Habits
Get addicted to righteousness.
Get addicted to pleasing the Lord.
How do we get there?
A thousand small acts of obedience.

Daniel 6:1-10
Be careful who you let influence you.
Be careful what you put your name on.
Verse 10 : you can't pray to anyone but the king, but Daniel did three times AS WAS HIS CUSTOM SINCE EARLY DAYS.
You can't keep God's man down!

I want guts like Daniel.

1. Public victory comes from private discipline.
Do you pray when nothing's on the line?

Psalm 55:16-17
David prayed throughout the day.
My body eats three times a day, I don't forget to eat...I don't want to forget to feed my soul, my spirit.
Make a habit out of praying.
Make a habit out of praise (giving thanks).

Daniel was disciplined.
Genuine lasting success is never accidental.
If you want to perform under pressure, practice when it's peaceful.

2. Not all habits are created equal.
All habits are powerful, but not all are equally powerful.

Charles Duhigg
The Power of Habit

Jesus's keystone habits:
Jesus was in the habit of going to church every week.
Jesus was in the habit of going to the Mount of Olives to pray.
Tithing should be a keystone habit.

These three shouldn't be negotiable.

What are my keystone habits?

Good keystone habits:
Make the bed every morning.
Family dinner.

Never underestimate the power of a small win!

3. When you control what you can, you don't have to worry about what you can't.
When you focus on what you can control, you have much of a peace about the things you can't.

Fight to keep being grateful.

Creature of Habit : Practice Makes Permanent

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Do you want to build a snowball?

1 Kings 20:40
Parable told to a king named Ahab.
Guard the prisoner - the prisoner is gone!
"I was busy."

Productivity isn't the same as obedience.
The right time to do the right thing is right now!
Habits are powerful! Good or bad.

The scope of your life is determined by the substance of your days.
You don't say, "I hope I have a mediocre day."
I hope many of us are moving toward a great future one step at a time.

God can't bless what you don't give Him.
He multiplies what we put in His hands.

Old proverb :
When is the best time to plant a tree? 10 years ago.
When is the second best time to plant a tree? Today.

Liberty or Death : Week 1

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Sometimes you have to look at the ruins of your life and speak a better word.

Off the Chain

Freedom, independence, the Christian Declaration of Independence

"While your hands are busy in the world let your heart always be talking to God." Charles Spurgeon

Let It Be :: All About : Faith

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Expectation determines experience!

Can't Stop, Won't Stop

Matthew 8:5-7
My (son) servant is sick, Jesus' first response is "I will heal him."
How great is our God!
Matthew 8:8-13
Great power is unlocked through great faith.
Great faith = mega faith

Faith is the password to God's power.
By faith we have access to grade
Ephesians 2:8

Habakkuk : the just shall live by faith

Matthew 17:20

1. Faith of a mustard seed.
January 14th, 2007 first service with 14 people.
Look where the church is now.
10,041 decisions for Christ!!

2. See past the seed.
Mark 9:23
There is nothing our God can't do.

The riskiest thing you can do is play it safe.

Amen = let it be.
Pay attention to what you pray, because saying amen is putting your stamp of approval on it, or agreeing with what others are praying.

Charles Spurgeon
If you believe Christ a little, He will bless you a little.

Genesis 26:12
Isaac sowed in the land and reaped 100fold.
But he needed to continue to sow to be able to continue to reap.
It takes sacrifice!
Are we content now.

Sow accordingly for the reaping you want to do.
God asks, how many zeroes do you want to see in the number of decisions made for Him? Google, how many zeroes - answer 1 with 100 "0's" at the end of it.

Man Vs. Himself : Hostile Takeover

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Proverbs 25:28

In order for their to be victory in This Battle, there has to be self control.

1 Corinthians 9:7
Forcing to bow myself to the lordship of Jesus each and every moment.

Moses always pointed the glory of God.
He was safe to trust because he faced his days of trouble.
We're always training for days that we don't know are coming.

Exodus 32:1
Moses winning victories but losing battles within himself.
Ready, Fire, Aim?

Exodus 33:11
I want to be the friend of God.

Exodus 32:15
10 Commandments
Moses became angry - righteous wrath

Ephesians 4:26

Exodus 34:1
Which you broke.

If we're not careful, the aggressiveness God wants us to have could become a bad thing.

If all you have is a hammer, everything is going to look like a nail. But you shouldn't smash a screw with a hammer.

See potential, not problems.

You would think the new generation would have learned from their parents generation and had different attitudes.
Numbers 20:3-5

*they were just thirsty*

Low blood sugar = Incredible Hulk
Know your own weaknesses and prepare yourself for it.

Take the rod (from his shepherding days / old life) and strike the rock.

Moses partially obeyed. (He yelled at people.)
Partial obedience is complete disobedience.

Sometimes we get stuck on an old message God gave us, which is no longer relevant for us now. He has a new message for us.

To whom much is given, much is required.

Five Keys in controlling your spirit
1. Crack down on repeat offenders
Sin never stays small
Give specific attention to the weak areas of you life

2. Resist the rut
Don't get stuck in your ways.
2 Corinthians 3
We are supposed to be changing every day.
Never view yourself as "having arrived."
Work hard on your strengths too.
Stay hungry, stay fighting.

3. Remain present
Learn how to quickly get over both successes and failures.
It's hard to move on when something goes wrong.
Philippians 3:13
Overthinking often leads to choking.
God says let go of the past mistakes.
Take seven steps and then forget about the victory or mistake.

4. Refuse to be declawed
Don't let the fear of failures keep you from trying again.
The only ay not to fail is to not try anything great.
A failed approach didn't mean they had failed - regarding Monsters, Inc.

5. Repeat after me
60,000 thoughts we have each day, and most of those are self negative and full of self doubt.
Speak to ourselves with the power and the authority that comes to us by the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 42:5
2 Corinthians 10:4-5
You can say to the thought that it's not welcome in your mind.

Carl Lentz : Church In the Wild

Luke 4:18-19
Jesus was talking about himself.

Get out of your comfort zone.
You should not be in your safety zone.

Everything I'm doing has purpose behind it.
Don't be sleepwalking through your life.

Warning: the casualty of a growing church in the wild (a church about people), is about personal comfort. It's not about you anyway.

This means war.

You have to be careful what you pray for because you just might get it!

Living with the disease of me. It's suppose to be about the mandate of others.

We need to stay true to the call of God.
The method can change, but the message never should.

Try getting into a habit of doing something that reminds you it's not about you.

2 choices a church in the wild makes ::
1. Chooses the power of God over the process of religion.
Missing the miracle right in front of our face.
Mark 2:1-12
2. Chooses to see what other people have ignored.
There's opportunities in the shadows if we choose to see it.
Verse 3 there were "some men" who helped the paralyzed man to get to the feet of Jesus.

Carl Lentz : Always Only Jesus

John 14
Jesus talking : I am the Road, The Way, The Life

The only way to get the only thing that matters in this life which is revelation is through personal commitment and devotion.

Matthew 11:28-30
If you want to know Me, walk with Me.

Religion is something you do.
Relationship is personal and takes work.

Distance creates distortion so you bridge the gap through communication.

What is your communication rhythm?
When do you spend time with God?

Pray everywhere you go.
Try something this week that's different than you've ever done to find your God rhythm.

Seeing His words, changes your world the most.

Where is your relationship with Jesus today?

Biggest indicator of how much influence Jesus has in your life, is how well you love people.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8
If you're walking with Jesus, take out "love" and put your name..does it hold true?

Only Jesus gives you your worth and you should always, always remember that.

John 13:21-24
I'm the one who Jesus loves.
The author writes that he is the one who Jesus loves, while he's "chilling" on the Savior's shoulder.
Do you have that confidence in yourself, in your identity in Christ?

Seasons change, but the Savior never does!

Six Ships : Part 1

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Levi "Funerals, I've been to a lot where the person didn't give people a lot to work with...they borrowed me a hammer once...Live a life that you're proud of!"

Levi's message in York, England

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Jesus loves us to play a part.
Like Mary and Martha rolling the stone away from Lazarus' tomb.

Invite everyone, bring someone.

2 Timothy 1:9-10
Turn Off the Dark

As long as I am in the world I am the Light of the world.

Hebrews 2:15
Philippians 2:27

Paul is saying death of someone can feel like :
Sorrow upon sorrow
Crashing waves upon the shore, wave upon wave.

There is a grieving process, but it's not so cut and dry.

Acts 14
Paul got to go to Heaven
So he knew Heaven was real. So him grieving even though he knew his loved one (Apaphroditus) was going to Heaven was still sorrow upon sorrow.
It still hurts.
Hurting with Hope still hurts.

John 11
Jesus groaned in His spirit.
He wept.
Heaviness on His chest.
The groaning is our hearts crying.
Groaning :: to bellow with rage
Jesus was outright angry, without sinning.

Hebrews 2:14
Jesus destroyed death by dying.

God never has to build buffer into promises.
With out children we have to be careful with our promises because they remember everything.
God's promises are fulfilled 100% of the time.
He is our of our realm of time.

Philippians 3:21
Jesus restores our worldly body but it's a 2.0 body.

Turn off the dark in your hear in the meantime ::
1. Don't rely on the naked eye!
The stars are always there in the dark night sky, but when you're in a city you may only see a few, but that doesn't mean they're not there.
Heaven is there. Jesus is coming.
2. Be planted in the house.
If you want to get through "Saturday" you need to get to church on Sunday. We need God's people.
3. Let God use your pain.
Opportunity in your trials. No pain is waisted. Pain is a microphone. The more it hurts, the louder you get. You must not be selfish with your pain. God can use pain to comfort others.
4. In your Saturday you have to get good at Cuing the Eagle.
Isaiah 40
God increases their strength.
Those who wait on The Lord shall mount up on wings like eagles.
There's going to come a time that you lose hope.
Where does your help come from?

Sometimes Always Never

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

The Will of God

If you don't know God's revealed will, how can you know His concealed will?!

Discerning God's will can be like wading through fuzzy waters.

"I'm Doing It Right Now"
Romans 12

God's will is more present than future but often it remains invisible until it's in the past.

In the present, present yourself to God as a present.
Sacrifice, I want You to use me, my life.
Occupy until I come.
We are on a mission from God.
We are to live in this world, not of it.
Serve others.

You've been bought with a price, with the precious blood of Jesus.

Don't only give Jesus an hour on the weekend and/or 15 minutes in the morning, give God your whole life -- 24 hours a day.

Proverbs 3:5-6

God's will cannot be found by seeking it, it is unfolded by you seeking Him.
When you are trusting God, honoring Him, and acknowledging Him all of the time you may not realize it but you're in the Will of God.
You need to pedal so God can steer, when you're riding a bike you can't steer unless you're in motion.

Genesis 24
Proverbs 16:3

When you're living the way He wants you to live, you will think the way He wants you to think.
Get His Word stuck in your head and in your heart.
Love God, and do whatever you want.
God's will is not a prison sentence, it's a permission slip.
Colossians 3

If you can acknowledge Him, in Jesus' name, then you can do what you want.

We fret about wrong things most of the time, instead of which job...what can I do to honor his name in whichever job I have.

God may give some parameters, but within those, do whatever you want.
How do I know the parameters...look to the 5 G's from last weeks message.

Listen to the Holy Spirit.
> dreams
> words of knowledge from other Christians
> never put a feeling above God's word
> never start with the particulars, start with the principles.

Lean into wise council
> Proverbs has a lot to say about council
> You can only get Godly council from people who follow God

Use all of your passports.
> What do you have in your hand?
> God always uses what you already have in your hand.
> He uses what's in your hands to reveal what's in your heart.
> Don't forget about your passport/microphone called pain.

Rethink dead ends
> Closed doors serve a purpose.
> Maybe it's a layover and there are no non-stop flights.
> Make sure you're not conveniently pulled away just because it's difficult right now.
> Anytime there's resistance, double down...push harder.
> Less pressure, more pleasure.
We put so much pressure on, "what's God's will?"

Welcome Home

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

John 14:1-6

1. Jesus is the answer for the ache within.
The Bible says we've been created with a "home ache" for eternity.
A hole inside our human soul.

2. Death is not the end.
You have a body, you are a soul.
2 Corinthians 5-8
Jesus is the forerunner. He has gone before us. He went to prepare a place for us. He is the anchor of our soul. Jesus went into Heaven. Hope always has a rope.

3. Heaven is an upgrade.
What is Heaven going to be like? An Upgrade!
2 Corinthians 12
Paul went to Heaven, he said he couldn't do it justice so the only thing he said was it is far better.
Heaven isn't the consolation prize, it's the jackpot.
Life is a vapor.
2 Corinthians 5:1
Our life on earth is like a camping trip.

4. There's room in Heaven for everyone.
It was impossible to be saved any other way but through Jesus' death on the cross.
Forgiveness is our greatest need, because sinning is our biggest problem.

5. Saturday won't last forever.
Jesus died on Friday.
Saturday was a day of waiting to see if Jesus would rise from the dead on Sunday and keep His promises.
1 Thessalonians 4
The best is yet to come.
Hebews 10:25

6. Your heart will get troubled if you let it.
John 14:1
Let not = stop letting your heart be troubled.
Don't be a saved soul but wasted life.
Believe in Me.
Faith is the antidote to heart failure, anxiety.
Psalm 27:13

7. There are many ways to miss Heaven.
Heaven is closed to no one.
There is only One Way to Heaven.

Palm Sunday

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

April 13th, 2014

Ephesians 3:20

The How
Catching Fire

How do we catch this Fire?
How do we rely on the Holy Spirit from day to day?
It's not just for our gathering it's for the scattering.

Ephesians 5:18

1. It's not a suggestion, it's a command.

DO NOT be drunk with wine, but DO be filled with the Holy Spirit.
This tells us that it is possible to be filled with the Holy Spirit, because He never tells us something that can not be done.
His command is pregnant with enablement, always.
Be humble, be patient, love your filled with the Holy Spirit.
When he tells us to do something, he means it.
It's an action.
It's not something where we wait for Him to show up.
It's sort of mysterious, but God gave us revelation to have clarity.
Ask my Father and you will be filled with the Holy Spirit.
You start by wanting it, you must desire Him.

Desire it
Ask for it
Believe you've received it
Go in faith

If there were a sure sign that you were filled with the Spirit, there would be no faith in the matter.

John 7, Jesus had been glorified, so the Spirit has come.
You still need to wait on The Lord, but you also need to just GO!
Be on a mission to go fishin'!

2. It's an ongoing relationship, not a one time thing.

Be (being) filled with the Spirit.
An ongoing reality.
It's a lifestyle of living under the spout where the glory comes out.
We're meant to have rivers flowing out of us, so we're meant to be continually filled.
Constantly top yourself off, don't rely on past fillings.
Every thing is an opportunity to pour out onto them.
Pray without ceasing.
Send out those text message prayers.

3. Only you can prevent yourself from being on fire.

Ephesians 4:30
It's possible to live in such a way that makes the Holy Spirit sad.
1 Thessalonians 5:19
Not responding to His promptings.

A. Be mindful of His allergies.
Let Christ's spirit dwell in you richly.
Do not be prideful.
Be emptied of yourself.
It's good for brethren to be united.
Oil in the Bible is always a symbol of the spirit.
In one accord...united...filled with the Spirit. 
He is allergic to division/
Dying to ourselves.

B. Sweat the small stuff.
Little things make the big difference with the Holy Spirit.
A little sinning does matter.
A nail in a car tire can stop the whole car.
Small things can cause big issues.
If you ignore your teeth, they'll go away.

When you get drunk, past the point of casual drinking, you lose control.
When you're filled with the spirit, you're filled with His influence.

Noah - Genesis 8
Noah sent out a dove to find land, came back with nothing.
Noah sent out a second dove, came back with an olive branch.
The third dove never came back because it found enough land to live on.
The Spirit will descend on you like a dove.
Make room for the spirit. Give Him space to land. 

Rampart : bulletproof soul

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Philippians 1:1-2

Rampart : A protective wall, barrier.

God has given us a rampart : JOY!!

Philippians is a letter written by a guy in jail who was on death row.
Triumph and not despair.
Faith and not fear.
The joy of the Lord was his strength.

Paul is in chains, Timothy would write for him.
To be Christ's slave is to be a King.

1. What happens to you doesn't have to control you.
Even though, I will.

2. Satan opposes whatever God begins!
Tithing, getting out of debt, etc.
You need to EXPECT it!

3. Prevention is better than cure!!
Quit being in crisis mode!
Foundation's shouldn't be built during the storms.

Verse 2 is a blessing
Grace and peace - Paul's favorite blessing, always together..Always in this order because grace always comes first.
Peace is the outcome of salvation.
Grace is how you get saved.

Microphone : It's Always On : Parts 1-6

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

1 Peter 2:9

1. You are not ordinary!
> He chose you!
> You are royal priesthood
> His own special people

2. God wants to make a star out of you!
> Godly living
>Soul winning

3. Your voice is too good to waste on yourself!
> We exist to bring glory to God!

4. The world is waiting for us to harmonize!
> We must unite.

5. There are many who will try to silence you!

Acts 9:15

The suffering that we all face is not an obstacle for God working through our lives, it's an opportunity to be used like never before.
There is not someone "too far gone" that cannot be saved. Look at Paul the apostle.
He persecuted all Christians, and then was saved.
Through suffering Paul would shine.

1. This is going to hurt!
> You will suffer many things for Jesus' name.
> With great power comes great difficulty.
> John 3:2- the people around you will try to lessen your glow.
> You have 3 enemies : the world, the flesh, and the devil
> 1 Thess. 3 God has appointed you to certain affliction
> You cannot be used greatly apart from pain.

2. The more it hurts the louder you get!
> There is a connection between pain and volume
> 1 Peter 2 We need to follow in Jesus' footsteps
> We pay "shipping & handling"
> You must not be selfish with your pain.
> When you're hurting, other people around you get more quiet.
> Non-believers want to see your response to suffering : you proclaim Jesus is the light of the world, now your power's cut off, they want to see if you can glow in the dark.
> You can hear God better, because He gets closer.
> In your weakness, His strength is made perfect.

3. Pain can open doors that would otherwise remain locked!
> Pain can give you avenues of influence
> Esther: She had to become an orphan in order to be used to save her people
> Daniel: He had to be kidnapped from his family in order to do all the great things he did
> David: His greatest Psalms came from his greatest suffering
> God gives you unique opportunities to shine your light in dark places when you go through difficult trials.

4. God's plan is to sabotage all of your suffering!
> Joseph: sold into slavery by his brothers & wrongly jailed...but when he had an opportunity to have retaliation on his brothers he chose kindness, and goodness.
>Job: he was the most righteous person on earth during his time, Job's life was in shambles, but Job remerged twice as blessed because God is working to undermine the enemies plan(s).
> Acts 2:23 Good was brought out of the worst thing that's ever happened.

5. It can take longer to set up the system than to deliver the message!
> It takes so much preparation to set up a Skull Church event only for 120 minutes to preach the gospel.
> Be patient!
> Do not lose heart as you're dealing with pain, it's a platform that you can use to rise higher in new levels of influence.
> What man meant for evil God meant for good!


1. Life is not a game to be played but a war to be waged.

2. Desires can be the death of your calling.

3. Effectiveness on the outside is determined by integrity on the inside.

4. Activity flows from identity.

The Family

1. Occupy servant roles.

2. Love your wife sacrificially >> submit to your husband.

3. Being a parent is an influential role.
Make sure you're setting the best example.

4. God is not afraid of your failures.


Words of warning for your microphone :

1. The same thing that makes you powerful makes you dangerous.

2. You'll never sound right using someone else's microphone.

3. The bigger you get the less effective you become.
Pride is the first sin.

4. You can miss out on a miracle while waiting for your mic to come.


Teach me to number my days!!

1. No words are listened to like last words.

2. The things you've done live on.
We should live so to be missed when we're dead!

3. It forces people to consider their end.

4. The crown jewel of our faith is put on display.

Guest Speaker : Greg Laurie

"The he-man with a she-weakness!
Judges 16

Character : 
What you are when no one is looking!

Sampson :
> He had awesome potential.
> He could have been a great leader.
> Instead, he threw it all away.
> But it's also a story of second chances.

It's always the little things that explode the huge things.

Any step down is a step away from God.
If you feel guilt your conscience is working.
If you do something you know is a sin and don't feel guilt there's a problem.
The people you hang out with affect you!
Sin makes you stupid.
An unguarded strength is a double weakness!!

1. Moral compromise always makes us vulnerable.
2. Temptation comes in attractive packages.
3. Temptation comes when we choose the wrong friends.

Sin can be fun! But the penalties aren't worth it!

Sin blinds you!
Sin finds you!
Sin grinds you!

You can learn and "fail forward" from your sin.

Joseph did it the opposite of Sampson..he ran like crazy!

Altar Ego

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

1. Laid down our feelings of inadequacy
2. Laying down need for control
3. Laid down our right to be offended
4. Laying down our longing for approval

Five specific signs you're longing for approval :

1. You worry about what other people think of you.
2. You are often overly sensitive.
3. You compromise your values.
4. You hesitate sharing your faith.
5. You have a hard time saying no.

Pleasing people is idolatry.
You cannot simultaneously please people and please God.

How do we overcome :

1. Focus on pleasing God instead of pleasing people!
If people were my goal I would not be Christ's servant.
I can't please everybody, but I can please God!

2. Live from the approval of God instead of for the approval of people.
Your worth is based on what God says about you!

You are a new creation in Christ
2 Corinthians 5:17

Your sins are forgiven and washed away
Ephesians 1:7

You are God's masterpiece
Ephesians 2:10

You are the light of the world
Matthew 5:14

You are powerful, you are joint heir
Romans 8:11
Romans 8:17

You are greatly loved by God!
Romans 1:7

Romans 12:2
Romans 12:1 makes 12:2 offer yourself as a living sacrifice.

Bread & Circuses : Tastes Like Turkish Delight

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Hebrews 11:23-28

The devil always brings the "do do" into your life. Instead of attacking you he sometimes distracts you!

Acts 7:42
He was raised with use to all the best scholars. He had the finest schooling money could buy. He was being groomed for greatness.
He was raised to be physically and mentally strong. He was raised Egyptian. He was raised to worship everything except Jesus. One day he realized he was being deceived and went to live as a nomad.

1. Cost and benefit need to be carefully examined.
We shouldn't just live moment to moment with no thought to the final plan.
Moses made a pro/con list and made the decision to suffer with the people rather than live with all the "pleasures."
His decision was worse for him in the short term. But definitely not the long term.

2. Anything that keeps you from your calling is poison to your soul.
Joseph was called to Egypt.
Moses refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter.
It's all about your calling.
Anything that keeps you from your calling is poison to your soul.

3. Feeling afraid isn't the same as living in fear.
Exodus 2
Moses was afraid of the King. He made mistakes along the way, which caused his calling to take a little longer to play out.

4. Faith is contagious.
The faith of Moses started with the faith of his parents.
You can hear from God himself by reading His word every day.
This is a great way to start a foundation of faith that will be contagious for your children.

5. Only blood can death-proof your life.
Verse 28 if you trust in anything but God you'll be let down.
The final plague was death and you had to spread blood over the door.

Bread & Circuses : Are You Not Entertained?

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Luke 12:15-21

Learning to live on a higher level.

It won't be polished and pretty, it's going to be honest and gritty.

Backstory : Luke 12:13
There's an interruption. Jesus is in the middle of a sermon about Heaven, judgement, etc. A man shouts out, "tell my brother to give me my rightful share of my inheritance."
Jesus tells the people really listening to his sermon that they should not let their physical earthly possessions take over their life. Covetousness.
Verse 16 Jesus tells a parable of a man who was rich and became richer. He had nowhere to put his abundant crop. His question was how can I keep it all and profit from it?
Verse 20 God says, "Fool! You will die, and your riches don't go with you!"

You don't want to go to Heaven "bankrupt."

1. The issue is not what you have in life, but how you view it.
You don't want to shrug it off just because you don't feel rich so you think it doesn't apply to you.
What you have is either God's or it is my god. Either it's a tool or an idol.
Worshipping the creature, not the creator.

2. When the lights go out value gets changed!
When you die things that you thought meant so much probably won't matter anymore.
Death either takes you from your treasure or to it.

3. Nothing matters more than what God thinks about you!
God thought this rich man was a fool.

4. All sales are final!
The finality of this story is troubling.
This is not a wake up call, it's a curtain call.
Once you arrive in Hell or Heaven, you cannot leave.

5. Death doesn't always call ahead!
Death is often a surprise with no time to prepare.

Running With Horses : Cue the Eagle

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Jeremiah 12:5

Jeremiah was a prophet in Judah.
God had a message that the people said they were followers of Christ, but they only used their lips. Their actions didn't show them to be followers. Jeremiah was used by God to tell the people that the consequences were coming for everyone just going through the motions.
The broad road leads to hell, the narrow road leads to eternal life!

He started in his hometown.
The false prophets were preaching a message of peace and love.
Jeremiah saw the false prophets "benefiting" from sinning and he was wondering why he wasn't getting "benefits" for preaching the truth.
This made Jeremiah feel like he should quit.
God had a response for this...Jeremiah 12:5
Paraphrased : If you're worn out now, how will you possibly face what I have for you in the future?

1. You ain't seen nothing yet!
God has plans for us, we are meant to run with horses.
Running with horses means we reach our fullest potential, we are doing exactly what God has planned for our lives.
Greater things than this will you see, John 1
2. Opposition escalates with opportunity!
3. Train for the trial you're not in yet!
As you follow God the more you're a target for the enemies arrows.
Storms will come and determine if you're built on a solid rock foundation.
Jude 20
4. He puts to use what He puts you through!
No trial is wasted.
Romans 8
God hols our tears in a bottle, they don't go unnoticed.
2 Corinthians 2:14
5. Your strength will fail!
You will reach a point of exhaustion.
You might question God's love.
You might think what did I do to deserve this?
Following God is a marathon, an endurance sport. What do you do when you are worn out?
Cue the Eagle!
Isaiah 40:31
We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength!

Guest Speaker : Steven Furtick

The first week of Fresh Life's 7th year!!

"The Most Encouraging Message You've Never Heard."
Matthew 11:1-15

The gap between what I expect and what I experience.

Jesus gave John the Baptist the most encouraging compliment and John never even heard it.

1. You're doing better than you think you are!
The gap between who you are and who you want to be is not as wide as you think.
God has power to transform.
Sometimes you need encouragement. Don't be afraid to ask God to encourage you!

2. There's more in store than you think there is!
God doesn't live inside of time. He knows what goes on for you tomorrow!
I know it's dark where you are, but it's light here, because I do not live in the pain of your today!
There is hope in your tomorrow.

3. You matter more than you think you do!
I need to believe that God is working and moving even when I think my prayers aren't working.

Guest Speaker : Skip Heitzig

At the beginning of the year we look back and look forward.

Ephesians 5:15-17
Paul wrote this letter to a church about a couple of basic things :
\\ This is who you are in Christ
\\ This is what you have in Christ
\\ How to walk in holiness, light & wisdom

1. Walk carefully!
Walk precisely.
Not as fools, but as wise.
You can be smart, but not necessarily wise.
Take knowledge and birth it into action...that's wisdom.
What we believe should determine how we live.

2. Watch faithfully!
Remind me Lord that my days are numbered.
Spend your time well, using your gifts for God's glory.
The devil wants us to waste our time.
Mary & Martha - it was not sinful for Martha to be cooking a meal.
Never pass up an opportunity to invite people to church.

3. Work thoughtfully!
90% of our lives would be much easier if our hearts were more willing to do the will of God.
Read your Bible.

>> God wants unsaved people to be saved.
>> God wants saved people to be holy people, especially when it comes to sex.
>> God wants holy people to be humble people.
>> (SOMETIMES) God wants saved, holy, humble people to suffer.
>> God wants all people to be thankful people.

Rewind 2012

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Velvet Steel : The study of Esther
1. One day we will stand before our King.
2. Providence.
3. The darker the night, the brighter the light.
4. Esther 4:14
You're going to die anyway, and those who don't make risks die too.

Kickstart : The Essentials
1. Salvation, the Trinity, the Bible, prayer, worship, possessions, spiritual warfare, how to evangelize, prophecy of the end days, etc.
2. A great refresher to look back on.

1. 1 John 3:3 there should be new signs of life.
2. Test yourself! You should be able to see changes. Is Christ living in you?

One Thing : Simplifying our over complicated lives.
1. We are prone to distraction.
2. Messed up priorities can lead to messed up attitudes.
3. Go back and watch Planted in the House

With the Wild Beasts : The Terrors of Temptations
1. Know that temptation is always there, we just need to be prepared.
2. Vulnerable after victory.
3. The devil wants to use our gifts and talents against us. He wants to keep us from our calling.

Fugitive : The Book of Philemon
1. Philemon was others-centered.
2. We've been forgiven, how can we forgive others?

Guest Speaker : Carl Lentz

"The aftermath is all that matters."

3 things to never say in marriage : 
You always, you never, you're fat.

I'm defined by the God that carried me through the "events."

John 16

The truth about the storms of life : Sometimes the storms of life aren't pretty, but you will get through it!

Psalm 23
Walk through - not sitting, not camping
Shadow of the death - not even death, just the shadow of it

It is better to win ugly than to lose pretty.
Confess your need and your sin.

When you're faced with the aftermath of the storm of SIN : rebuild quickly, rebuild better!

Sometimes the stuff that makes you feel good doesn't make you better.

John 8
Jesus protected 1st, corrected 2nd.

Even your scars can have influence.

Fugitive : A Pound Of Flesh

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Philemon 17-25

Paul was trying to show Philemon that maybe it was all part of God's will.
That Onesimus maybe ran away so that ultimately he would give his heart to Christ.

Verse 17 Receive him as you would me.
If Paul were to come it would be the best party ever, he was the "grandfather" of the church that Philemon lead.

Verse 18 I will repay Onesimus' debt.
This letter now became a legally binding contract, a promise to pay.

Verse 19 Would have jumped off the page. It would be different "font" because Paul didn't write his own letters he had someone do it for him. It is thought he had bad eyesight. So what he wrote would have been big, and more difficult to read. And his hands were in chains.

Verse 20 Paul was always an optimist.

Verse 23 Others say hello.

Verse 25 Amen - so be it.

Grace Vs Mercy

What happened to Onesimus??
The book doesn't tell us.
We have no idea.
We're not given closure intentionally.
Anything that's not in the Bible is because God didn't want it there.

The real question is : How are you handling forgiveness?

1. True repentance involves restitution.
As we go to those we've wronged we need to go with a heart of willingness to repair.

2. Forgiven people should forgive people.
Matthew 18
Psalm 19 we are never more like God than when we forgive.

3. When you let go of a grudge it releases God's grace.
Forgiveness is a blessing to you as much as it is to those you forgive.
Bitterness is harmful to you.
1 Peter 3:9
Consider Jesus

4. For there to be withdrawals there must be deposits.
Spend time together.
Speak well of them.

5. There's an Onesimus inside each one of us.
Martin Luther said we are all Onesimus.
We've all sinned.
God has paid our debt in full.
Sin brings consequences.

Fugitive : Letter For a Friend

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Philemon 1-7

= Choosing to be a slave, a bond slave, is compared to following Jesus.
= Onesimus ran away as a slave. He heard Paul the apostle preach in Rome and gave his life to Christ.
= Paul told Onesimus to go back to Colossi and own up to what he had done (stealing and running away from his master). Paul sends Onesimus with a letter (the book of Philemon).
= Letter's started with the name of who wrote it. When Philemon read Paul he would have been flooded with emotion.
= Paul was preaching the day Philemon gave his life to Christ in Ephesus.
= Verse 3 Grace and peace to you.
Grace means of salvation.
Peace the product of salvation.
= Verse 4 I pray for you whenever I think of you.
= Verse 5 Faith refers to Jesus, love refers to the saints..criss-cross.
= Verse 6 Effective. He prays that his faith would become more and more effective.
= Verse 7 Great (mega) joy!
Paul knew so much about spiritual battles and we get to read his personal correspondence and how he prayed for people!

Five Takeaway Truths :

1. You can't get locked out of your calling.
   - Paul starts this letter a prisoner...he didn't believe that setbacks could keep him from his calling.
   - His chains opened the doors to his calling...preaching to the Gentiles. He used imprisonment to preach to those who needed to hear it.

2. What God does in you isn't just for you.
   - There is a connection between your love for God and your love for His people. (The Criss-cross was intertwining that you can't just love God and not love His "body.")
   - The day I was saved was not just for my benefit, it's to share with others.

3. Your gratitude controls your attitude.
   - This letter doesn't sound like it was written by a guy in prison enduring lashings twice a day.
   - Be grateful IN everything.
   - Believe God will do great things through the trials, you don't have to be thankful FOR every trial.
   - A thankful heart is a happy heart.
4. You matter more than you know.
   - Going back to verse 7, Philemon brought comfort to Paul. Philemon probably wondered how/why he could possibly bring comfort to someone like Paul!
   - God calls us to do what we've been gifted with.
   - You're making a difference, so keep serving.

5. If you want God's peace you must receive God's grace.
   - Grace first, peace second.
   - Grace = God bestows upon you what you don't deserve.

With The Wild Beasts : Lock, Stock, and Barrel

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Matthew 4:8-11
Genesis 16
Psalm 2:8

God shows us that Satan does have some power in the world...
2 Corinthians 4:4
John 12:31
1 John 5:19
Man fumbled the power and Satan took possession of it.

Revelation 5
Death caused us to forfeit control.
Jesus paid it all.
Satan tries to steal God's praise.

Satan was trying to get Jesus to compromise.
Compromise is cancerous.

Romans 14:23 anything done without faith is sin.

It often looks worse before it gets better.

5 Truths You Need To Know :

1. Whenever you close a door, the devil tries the windows.
   - The eyes are the windows to the soul.
   - 1 John 2:16
   - You see, you covet, you take, you hide.
   - The verse is repeated 4X...if your eyes cause you to sin, pluck them out!

2. Temptation isn't off the rack, it's tailor-made.
   - Genesis 4..the devil studies us, and throws sin at us that he knows is going to appeal to us.

3. If you don't know the Truth, you cannot spot the lies.
   - Read your Bible! Know the Truth!
   - Your word, I've hidden in my heart, that I might now sin against You!
   - You can't use scripture you haven't read.

4. It's a lot harder to get a hook out, than to keep it out.
   - It might now seem that way, but it's true.
   - James 4:7
   - It's always darkest before dawn, just hang on a little bit longer!!

5. There is no way to the to the crown except through the cross.
   - Anything we worship before God is an idol, therefore worshipping the devil.

With The Wild Beasts : Bless Me If You Can

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Judges 16
Matthew 4

The devil wants to deceive you into a life that is impossible for God to bless.

Read Psalm 91 & Romans 8:28

He attacks our areas of strength and uses them against us.

God quotes Deuteronomy - don't test God.

His Promises are to be appropriated through the lens of His principles.

1. When you ignore his instruction you deactivate His protection.
2. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
3. Just because He can doesn't mean He will.
4. You were never meant to risk it all for yourself. (Is it for your fame or His name?)
5. Your even more dangerous than the devil.
   - The devil couldn't push Him down, if he could have he would have.
   - Job 1:10 -- he is on a leash.
   - Every temptation has a way of escape.
   - 1 Corinthians 10:13
6. It's already been done.
   - It is finished. Paid in FULL!

With The Wild Beasts : 40 Days of Horror

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Mark 1

- Verse 14 : immediately filled with the Holy Spirit (the comforter).
- The Spirit is in control.
- God "drove" Him into the wilderness.
- Jesus fasted because He needed strength - strength from prayer.
- Physically depleted. Lonely. Couldn't sleep because of the wild beasts. AND Satan was tempting Him the entire time!
- Satan was trying to keep Jesus from His purpose.
- Hebrews 4:15 He is able to sympathize with our weakness.
Oh what a friend we have in Jesus!
- Jesus was tired, God sent angels! Bread from Heaven!

Four Truths About Temptation :

1. No one is immune to it.
   - you are tested when someone else falls into sin. Be humbled and compassionate, it could be you!
   - We are all susceptible to the same sins.
   - How much poison can I "eat" every day without dying? That's how much I want...that is NOT how we should be living.

2. You're never more vulnerable to than in victory.
   - Immediately after His baptism He was tempted for 40 days.
   - Revelation in Devastation.

3. The enemy isn't the only one who wants to use it.
   - Satan's final plan for you is for you to go to hell.
   - He uses doubt, fear, and he wants to take away your calling.
   - It's when you are doing great things for the Kingdom when you'll be tempted twice as much!
   - God uses your temptations as well.
He can use it for His glory to help you grow stronger.
   - When you're in a desert/wilderness time, your goal should be to get something out of it, not to get out of it.
   - God is trying to teach you something.
   - "Those He wants to use greatly, He must wound deeply."

4. It's never goodbye, it's until next time.
   - Satan will always be back to try again.
   -Why do I always go back to the same temptation?
   - Watch & Pray
   - He came to go through Hell, so you wouldn't have to when you die.

One Thing 3

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Eyes like a dove. Only see one thing.
David's one thing was to dwell in the house of the Lord forever!
This is what I it!
Make God the priority.
Be planted in the church.

Benefits of being planted in God's house :

1. God's glory can be experienced like no where else!
   - Face-to-face interaction with God.
   - Two or more assembling in God's name draws Him near.

2. His word is constantly being deposited into your heart!
   - Isaiah 55
   - knowing the facts

3. The gravitational pull of this world is interrupted!
   - we are meant to reach the world, but not be of this world.
   - Colossians 3:1
   - Always look up.
   - Psalm 73

4. You are not alone!
   - Psalm 55:14
   - Psalm 68:5
   - A longing for belonging.
   - Such a benefit to be around positive influences.

5. You can get sucked along in the momentum of the house!
   - flourish when planted in the right spot.
   - God can open doors for you.
   - Grasp the momentum.
   - Don't turn your back on good soil.

6. You get to be a part of something that will outlive everything!
   - Eternity is the only thing that outlives everything.
   - Gripped by the greatness of God.
   - The more effective you are in the house, the more you'll be called out of the house.


Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

2 Peter 1:10

A - Activity
muscle tone
How buff is the baby?
How strong am I?
Moving forward, fighting back.
1 Timothy 4:7

If life is present their will be movement.
1 John 2:3-6
Keep the commandments
If Christ has come in, new life will be oozing out.
Don't just say you love god, show it with word and deed.
2 Peter 1:5-8
Sitting still is deadly.

You're not ripped if you're not resisting.
2 Timothy 2:22
Resist temptation.
Our level of resistance is our level of strength.
Struggling is not failure. Failure is not struggling.
Struggling is the only way to grow.
You're only as strong as you're willing to struggle.
What am I practicing?
Whoever doesn't practice righteousness is not a son of God.
Galatians 5:19-21

It takes fuel to go far and calories to get cut.
You can't outrun a bad diet.
We need to read the word and not just practice exercising.

Not all weakness is created equal.


Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Examine yourself. Test yourself. Have evidence to show you are a Christian.

G - Grimace
Don't be an ogre!!
Am I easily annoyed? Do I let anger get the best of me?

1. Kindness is proof of the presence of the Holy Spirit.
   - Th Holy Spirit leaves a trail of fruit.
   - John 15:5
   - God wants us to be kind, like Christ.
   - Acts 16. An observable difference after he came to know Christ.
   - 1 Thess. 2:7 Paul transformed.
   - Kindness is a mellow goodness, sweetness, like a wine that's aged and lost it's "harshness."
   - Romans 2:4

2. What irritates you reveals the best or worst about you.
   - What causes you to shake with anger?
   - Not all anger is bad.
   - We should hate sin.
   - Is your anger springing from concern for yourself or concern for someone else?

3. The length of your fuse indicates the level of your maturity.
   - All of God's people should be long-suffering. Slow to anger!
   - Be quick to forgive.

4. What you let get to you ultimately controls you.
   - Rage is mindless and enslaving.
   - You will do things you regret and say things you can't take back.
   - Proverbs 29:20
   - Self control is such an important quality in the life of a believer.

5. Going off turns God's power off.
   - Your anger clogs the pipe and prevents the Living Water from flowing through you.
   - Numbers 20
   - The wrath of people does not produce the kindness of God.

6. Kindness counts the most when you feel it the least.
   - It's east to be nice when people are nice to you.
   - Luke 6:32
   - Being irritated is not a sin, it's your negative actions that are.
   - When you remain calm when you feel like snapping its a blessing to you and the people you would have blown up on.

7. You're an insect too.
   - For every person who bugs you, there are probably three people you annoy.

8. Crankiness is really just selfishness so the antidote is to be selfless.
   - Philippians 2
   - Pride keeps us thinking we're better than other people.
   - The cure of pride is humility.

I want to be pleasant to be around.
I want to be a blessing to those around me.
Ask myself how would Christ respond in this situation.
Slow down, take a few deep breaths, THINK before I speak!
Do not discipline out of anger.


Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Virginia Apgar came up with a test to check babies at 1 minute and 5 minutes after they're born.

A - Appearance
P - Pulse
G - Grimace
A - Activity
R - Respiratory

We are born again so we need a spiritual "APGAR" test, a checkup for our soul.
2 Corinthians 13:5

It's not everything, but it is something.
Always try to be more like Christ!
God change me and clean me.
There are always people watching out lives.

1. Appearances can be deceiving.
Things are not always as they seem.
Hebrews : walk by faith and not by sight.
Proverbs 31:30
1 Samuel 1

2. Appearances can be revealing
Where there's smoke there's fire.
Absolom 2 Samuel 14:26
2 Peter 2:22
Avoid even the appearance of evil.
Keep good balance of being in the world, but not of the world.

3. God does not like false advertising.
Mark 11, Matthew 23 - God saying he hates hypocrisy.
He hates it because He hates what it does to His name, what it does to actual Christians, and what it does to the one who is living the lifestyle.

4. Your true colors will come out in the end.
You can fool some of the people all of the time.
You can fool all of the people some of the time.
But you cannot fool God any of the time.
We are all a work in progress.
It only matters what God knows is true of you on the inside.

Kickstart : The End of Days

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church
July 2012

2 Peter 3:10
Ctrl + alt + delete = force quit!

1. Jesus is coming soon.
   - For His church
   - Jude 14
   - Revelation 19
   - Mark 13:32
   - 2 Timothy 3

2. He will judge the quick and the dead.
   - Romans 2:5

3. Everything will be made new.
   - Revelation 21:1

4. Be Ready!
   - Matthew 24:44
   - The information is supposed to lead to transformation.
   - 1 John 2:28
   - Don't be a saved soul with a wasted life.

Kickstart : Possessions

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

June 2012

You cannot separate your faith from your finances.

Honor the Owner
1. We are the stewards of :

   A. Time
     1. Rest
        - Spend quality time with the ones you love.
      2. Invest
        - Ephesians 5:16

   B. Talent
     1. Play the hand you've been dealt.
       - Usually not used, because we're jealous of other's talents.
     2. Hone your craft (Matthew 25)

   C. Treasure
     1. Do first things first
       - Proverbs 3:9-10
       - Tithe 10% - of everything!
       - When you give God the first the rest is blessed!
       - A curse is a blessing in reverse (Genesis 4)
     2. Take it to the next level
       - Give offerings
     3. Enjoy
       - Don't let things have you

   D. Multiply
       - live within your means
       - If you're not faithful with the small things you won't be faithful with the big things.

   E. Build equity in the house
       - Lay up treasure in Heaven

Kickstart : week 3

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church


Mathew 18:4

Is this thing on? -- Maybe that's how you feel when you pray?!
God can simultaneously give undivided attention to each prayer.

What is prayer?
Talking to God. Having a conversation with God. It's not a speech. It's not a performance.

Moses was able to talk to God face-to-face like a friend.
Abraham was able to talk to God like a friend.
We tend to change the way we talk when we pray.
John 15:14
God wants to have a conversation with you.
Jeremiah 29:12
Hebrews 10

What is prayers purpose?
Communion - intimate communication
Fortification - you're only as strong as your prayer life!

The particulars of prayer (the mechanics)
The posture of prayer (it's all about your heart)
What time of day? Every where, every time.

How to pray
A - adoration
C - confession
T - thanksgiving
S - supplication (ask for something)

Principles to keep in mind:
1. Don't hang up (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
2. Don't make it up (use the Bible)
3. Don't fill it up (there can be silence)
4. Don't give up (be persistent)

Don't make these mistakes:
1. Don't show off
2. Unconfessed sin
3. Not praying

Prayer is a gift, we need to open it and use it!!

The disciples asked how to pray Matthew 6:9-13

Kickstart : week 2

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church
The Bible

We cannot make progress in our faith without our Bible's.
God never intends for our spiritual growth to stop growing.

  A. The Bible is the word of God
     - 2 Timothy 3:16
     - The Bible doesn't just contain the word of God, it IS the word of God.
     - When the Bible speaks, God speaks.
     - Hebrews 1:1
     - Two things produced by the breath of God, humans and the Bible.
     - Through the Bible we can know God.
     - The Bible is special revelation, not general revelation.
  B. The Bible is Inerrant
     - Without error. Perfect. Flawless.
     - God used humans who are not without error to write the Bible.
     - 2 Peter 1:21
     - Psalm 19
     - What does it say?
     - What does it mean?
     - How does it apply to my life?