Levi Lusko -- Fresh Life Church
Fight Like A Wolf
Habakuk 1:6-8
Evening wolves
Cognitive horsepower cannot be going to worry and worship at the same time.
Worrying makes it worse.
This life is not a playground, it's a battleground.
2 Corinthians 10:305
1. Control The High Ground
Fight for the high ground!!
8 hours of sleep
8 glasses of water a day
8 first and last minutes of the day given to Jesus
Guard the first and the last.
When the devil gets a foothold he wants a stronghold.
Starve your fear, feed your faith!
The secret to a miserable life is to focus on yourself.
2. Fight Fire With Fire
The devil can't burn what's already burning.
3. Raise Your Voice
Gethsemane - the battle before the battle.
Matthew 26:30 "when they had sung a hymn"
When the devils trying to remind of your past, remind him of his future!
I am on the winning team!
Worship is a weapon against darkness!
Worship doesn't win the war, worship is the war.
In the midst of it, who is at the center of your story?
Who is getting the glory?
4. Keep Showing Up
You are not the only one trying to win the war within.