Sunday, November 18, 2018

I Declare War : week 4

Levi Lusko -- Fresh Life Church

Fight Like A Wolf

Habakuk 1:6-8
Evening wolves

Cognitive horsepower cannot be going to worry and worship at the same time.

Worrying makes it worse.

This life is not a playground, it's a battleground.

2 Corinthians 10:305

1. Control The High Ground

Fight for the high ground!!

8 hours of sleep
8 glasses of water a day
8 first and last minutes of the day given to Jesus

Guard the first and the last.

When the devil gets a foothold he wants a stronghold.

Starve your fear, feed your faith!

The secret to a miserable life is to focus on yourself.

2. Fight Fire With Fire

The devil can't burn what's already burning.

3. Raise Your Voice

Gethsemane - the battle before the battle.
Matthew 26:30 "when they had sung a hymn"

When the devils trying to remind of your past, remind him of his future! 
I am on the winning team!

Worship is a weapon against darkness!

Worship doesn't win the war, worship is the war.

In the midst of it, who is at the center of your story?
Who is getting the glory?

4. Keep Showing Up

You are not the only one trying to win the war within.

I Declare War : week 3

Levi Lusko -- Fresh Life Church

Act Like A Wolf

Actions speak louder than words.

Faith without works is dead.

1 Thessalonians 5:5
You are a son of light and a daughter of day!!

Let's ACT like it!

Your daily activity should come from your new identity.

Associates that we keep.

Assess your ::

1. Pack
Not only warriors but nurturing.
They desire to belong.

Leadership is by example.

There is a sense of teamwork in a wolfpack.

A lone wolf has no protection.

"You are the average of your five closest friends."

2. Posture 

You do feel how you hold yourself.

Posture and feelings.
Posture and well-being.

Joel 3:10
Believing that you can change a weakness into a strength.

3. Pre-Game

What is your ritual to performing at your best?

4. Props

Exodus 17 



Outfit yourself accordingly 

Don't act like something you're not. 
Act how God calls you to.

Don't do what you feel.
Do what's right.

Another note on posture :
Revelation 1:8
I am the Alpha and the Omega


I Declare War : week 2

Levi Lusko  -- Fresh Life Church

Speak Like A Wolf

Words are weighty.

What we're weaving on earth we're wearing in Christ.

If Jesus is the Lord of your life, then He needs to be the Lord of your lips too.

1. Your words impact other people.
2. Your words impact the future.
3. Your words impact you.

"Thank you."

I Declare War : Week 1

Levi Lusko -- Fresh Life Church

Why declare war? You are at war whether you want to be or not.

It's not a playground, it's a battleground.
The devil - the world (worldview that is hostile to God) - an enemy within (the flesh).

We all need protection from ourselves.
We sabotage ourselves.

You can't win the battle you won't admit you're in.

The wolf will rise in your heart.

Theodore Roosevelt story about crossing the barb wire.

Equal parts warrior but lover.

To be a wolf, you have to ::

Think Like A Wolf

You are what you think.
Proverbs 23:7

You can change the way you feel by changing the way you think.

Take the reigns on your thinking.

You don't have to think about everything you feel but you will feel everything you think about.

As goes the inner war, so goes the outer war.

1. Negative thoughts can't lead to a positive life.

Begin with your thought life.

Polarity of the mind.

The weapon is no good if you're learning to use it when it counts.

Colossians 3:1-2 set your mind.
Romans 12:2 the renewing of your mind
Matthew 22:37 with all your mind

What happens in your mind really does matter.

The reward for negative thinking is more negativity.

2. You will find what you're looking for.

Selective attention and confirmation bias.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 this is how Christ wants you to live!!

Gratitude, prayer, being happy.

Let's be a merry people!

3. It's impossible to worry and to worship at the same time.

You can't grumble and give God glory at the same time.
You can't complain and encourage someone at the same time.

Once A Man, Twice A Child

1 Corinthians 16:10

The Shoulders Of Giants

1 Timothy 4:12

Don't dismiss the young or old, embrace and see the value of all people.

Seeing the beauty of every season.

Neither either or, but better together.

Acts 2:39

1. Humility + Honor

Disrespect and lack of humility
1 Kings 12:4
1 Samuel 18:8-9

2. Security + Confidence

Co-labor, collaboration to fulfill the greatest commission.

3. Commitment to legacy and a light touch.