Friday, July 27, 2018

Summer Reading Series 2018 : Sadie Robertson - Live Fearless

Guest Speaker - Fresh Life Church

God didn't give us a spirit of fear!

Fear can get really ugly.

Worse place to be when you're fearful is hiding.

Thrive in a place of freedom!

"God placed the best things in your life on the other side of fear." Will Smith

Hebrews 10:35

Just believe what God says.

Confident trust and belief in : He is who He says He is!

Daniel 1:17 chapter one David was a faithful servant of God!

Daniel 6:10 Just as he has always done!!

Daniel 6:16-23 + 26

To be confident in something we need to be confident of the consistency.

Matthew 27:63-66

If God placed something on your life no human can get in the way.

Matthew 4:10-11

When both Jesus and Daniel were faced with someone asking them to worship them they both stated only one God and both times angels came!

You can be following the perfect plan Jesus has for you and still be led to the lions den.

Revelation 4:8
It doesn't really matter where you're going, but when you get there you can confidently say holy is my God!

We try to shut the mouth of the lion but God will shut the mouth of the lion on your behalf.

Daniel 6:22 no wounds
You can come out unharmed!!

Psalm 46:10 Be still and know!

Praying for the situation to change, start praying for your heart to change!

Even when...
Even when...
Even when...
Be still and know that He is God!

What does it look like to live bold?

Daniel is in complete darkness, sometimes fear doesn't give you a face.
How do you fight against it?
All you can feel is the presence of fear. 
The only way to fight that is the Name of Jesus!

One Name that diminishes fear.

The enemy isn't going to stop. 
But Jesus is always there.

We feed our fear when we try to control our situations.

Summer Reading Series 2018 : Craig Groeschel - Divine Direction

Guest Speaker : Fresh Life Church

Making decisions that honor God.
The decisions we make today, determine the stories we'll tell tomorrow.

Make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.

What is God's will for my life?

He cares about...
1. Who before do
Who you are before what you do.
1 Thess 4:3 Be holy!
Holy means set apart; different.
Talked about calling and character.
Who does God want me to become? 
Primary calling : live a life pleasing to God.
Character over profession!
Do anything with integrity than being a pastor without it.

2. Why before what
Motives matter to God.
Proverbs 16:2 The Lord judges motives.
Pray Psalm 139 : search my heart!
It's almost impossible to get to the right place when you start with the wrong motives.
Should I buy this car? What's the motive?
You're about to post a photo...What's the motive?
Motives matter!
Colossians 3:17 whatever you do, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Sometimes the most important things you do is not what you do, it's who you raise!

Your gifts will not take you farther than your character can sustain you.

"My sinfulness wants me to feel important."

If you've 'done it right' you'll hear, "well done my good and FAITHFUL servant."

If I"m faithful with who and why God will give me more.

How did Jesus endure?
He knew WHO He was and WHY He came!!

If you're becoming the right who, God will help you choose the right do!

If you're driven by the right why, then God will lead you to the right what!

Summer Reading Series 2018 : Alex Seeley - Tailor Made

Guest speaker : Fresh Life Church

Our generation is having an identity crisis.

The enemy doesn't want us living up to our potential.

Proverbs 18:21

God is the author of words.

The enemy only knows how to imitate or pervert the truth.

God takes pleasure when we create!

The enemy's only plan is to steal, kill, and destroy.

Our words form our world.

Labels are very, very powerful.

The devil understands words heal or hinder.

You can be saved but not free.

Making agreements with a lie gives the devil power.

Who does God say I am?

You are here on purpose!

Psalm 139:14-17
My parents had nothing to do with me coming to be!

Don't let the enemy take one more day of your life!

Ephesians 3:10-12

The enemy doesn't need you to sin, he just need you to believe the lies he's telling you.

God needs you to be who He made you to be.

It's not arrogance to be who you are in's a responsibility!

The enemy loves to divide!

The devil dismantled and we wrongfully hate people and no one gets healed.


Special :: set apart, beloved, better, greater, exceptionally good or valued.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Summer Reading Series 2018 : Carlos Whittaker - Kill The Spider

Carlos Whittaker
Kill The Spider


Everything Carlos touched was "gold" and he started stepping into darkness and allowing the devil to convince him he was the one who created that gold.

Scripture does not say every good and perfect gift comes from your hustle. 

Sin has consequences.

There is no dancing in darkness.

The devil prances around in the darkness to devour you.

In the darkest moments : 
1 Peter 5:10
There will be suffering.

Shrink that suffering!

Spending our time "cleaning the cobwebs" when really we're praying the wrong prayer : KILL THE SPIDER!!

Past the symptoms to the root.
Drive a stake in the spider.

Your hope is not found in striving, it's found in surrender. 

Spider : an agreement you have made with a lie.

The root of our behaviors.

A cobweb is a mediator that brings false comfort to that lie.

Go from the lie to the truth.

It's not difficult to find your cobwebs.

To get to the spider we need to hear from God Himself.

The Holy Spirit is what is going to reveal to you the lie that you're believing.

1. We pay attention!

God is speaking to us all the time.

2. We ask questions!

We don't serve a vague God.
We serve a specific God.

Confess the lie.
Reject the lie.
Replace with God's truth!

Romans 8:6

We can't put the period where the period is not.

John 10:10
"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."
Is there a period after life? 

Jesus didn't die so we can just cope through life!!!!!

You need to get off auto mode, and put it in manual.

If you live in auto you're not living in the abundance of all that God has for you!


"Turns out helping somebody else through their story helps you work through yours."

"If you have ever been only a few feet from help and not felt the strength to go get it, you understand. Sometimes when help is staring you in the face, and you rejected it, you have to get up and go get it." 

"Gaze at God. Glance at life."

Needle Craft

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Needle Craft

Acts 9:36-42

We're supposed to go into the world, not for them to come to us!

Every subcategory of every industry of the world.

We can't reach a world we're not willing to touch.

Use what's in your hand to unlock what's in God's heart.

1. Thread
2 Corinthians 8:3
2 Corinthians 8:12

Do you have a willing heart?

Here am I, send me!

He's not looking for ability, He's looking for availability.

2. Pattern
Acts 10:38
Willingness is awesome, but it's not enough!

Matthew 26:14

"Most of the evil is done by people with good intentions." T.S. Eliot

Rise up and follow the pattern of doing good.


....and she did them!!

You may be full of it, but you have to act on it.

We accommodate to Jesus.

Philippians 2:13

3. Scissors
We approach something and then something is missing.

They are crying because Dorcas is missing. There was a great void and loss.

Garments and tunics for widows. 

You need the skill and ability (finances).

God doesn't bless us to increase not our standard of living, but our standard of giving.

"Live so as to be missed." Robert Murray M'Cheyne

4. Fabric
vs 42 many believed on the Lord!!

The physical resurrection was performed so that others could have eternal resurrection!