Jennie Lusko - Fresh Life Church
Definition of mothership : A large vehicle that leads, serves, and carries other small vehicles.
Matthew 1:1
The genealogy of Jesus.
1. Tamar : Genesis 38 - Judah's daughter-in-law
2. Rahab : Joshua 2 - prostitute
3. Ruth : worshipped other idols
4. Listed as the wife of Uriah (whom we know as Bathsheba who slept with king David)
5. Mary : mother of Jesus - full surrender to the Lord
34 mothers weren't mentioned here (the men's names were).
Do you ever feel like anyone could do your job?
You're not just filling a hole that anyone could fill, you are fulfilling God's unique call on your life!
1. Rise Up And Lead
Leaders follow the leader.
Leaders speak life.
Leaders love like they've never been hurt.
(Jensen Franklin book title)
Leaders embrace the season they're in.
1 Peter 1:6-7
Leaders rise up in His strength.
Be aware of who you can bless.
2. Take Your Place And Serve
Romans 12:11
Get in the rhythm of saying yes to God!
Nurturing and caring.
Ruth chose to serve her mother-in-law.
Ephesians 4:1-13
Roots down deep.
If you're not planted, you won't flourish.
3. Carry What He's Given You And Change The World
Each woman in the lineage of Jesus had something she was carrying.
You have a story.
Your story matters.
What you're carrying is who you are.
Be a genius at being you.
God's given you your story for a reason.
You're carrying the Gospel.
Mark 16:15
Don't let yourself be faded where you are.
Change the world within your home, your workplace, wherever you are.