Sunday, April 8, 2018

Who Needs Church?

Levi Lusko and 20 guest speakers 
We had the honor of hearing Dakota Killingsworth at the 4pm

Who Needs Church?

Asaph wrote a Psalm
Psalm 73:1-17

It's better to follow God with a pure heart.

My experience challenges my belief.

I'm not seeing the value of being apart of a church.

Why NOT go to church: 
1. It's easier than ever not to
2. It's messy
3. It costs something
4. It's a battle

Life is not a playground, it's a battleground. 

We're forgetful and we tend to focus on the physical.

Started feeling compassion for the people who didn't have Jesus.

Dakota Killingsworth :

5 Reasons That We Do Need Church

1. Call Out
It's a place of worship

2. Grow Down 
Galatians 6:2
The devil tries to get us alone
Adversity comes for us all.
When we keep our circle small we give the devil easy picking.
Find a mentor.
Be in a group.

3. Pour In
This is our giving.
Our skills and finances.
Being good stewards.
Steward is an old english word meaning keeper.
They have humility.
They have quiet confidence that they are utilizing the gifts and money God has entrusted to them.
Honor Him with the grace He has given us.
There is power in giving!
Our treasure is in Heaven and not on earth.

4. Armor Up
Sharpen your sword.
God gives us weapons but we need to be ready to use those weapons.
Ephesians 6:13-17
In our mortality we have access to the greatest weapon - God's word!
Apply what we learn.

5. Reach Out
Our service to the community
Romans 10:14 MSG

What's it going to cost my community if I don't serve?

Heart full of grace and a soul full of love.

Back to Levi :

The problems in church are the reasons there is power in it!

Without oxen the barn would be clean. But without oxen, you don't have need for a barn.

Church is not what we do, it's who we are. 

Ephesians 2:20 brick by brick - cornerstone

None of us are supposed to be following God in isolation, we're supposed to be in cooperation.

If Jesus shed His blood to buy it, we should give our lives to build it!

Ephesians 5:25-27

Jesus love the church! 

Magnificent 7 : week 7

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

But First, Death

John 11:17-26

Jesus gave Martha a ministry of truth.
Jesus gave Mary a ministry of crying with her.

I am God, and I have all the power, but I became man and can identify with you.

If life is hurting for you, you have a God who is hurting with you.

Grapple with the reality of death.

The resurrection is only necessary and possible because of death.

The only way to get you out of your grave was for Him to go to His. 

Death is our last enemy.

Death is: 

If we don't understand the bad news, we don't have context for the good news!

Jesus death was : 

Bring out what is in your kids, don't change what is in them.

He didn't just die for you, He dies as though He were you!

2 Corinthians 37:21

1 Corinthians 14

The power of the resurrection is not just for your eternity, it's for your whole journey!

He wants you to have life during life!

John 11:25
The resurrection is not an event, it is a person!

It's not just what He does, it's who He is!