Jennie Lusko - Fresh Life Church
Honor Roll
Tool : humility
Proverbs 29:23
"Pride lands you flat on your face; humility prepares you for honors."
**Pride destroys intimacy, but humility unlocks rich relationships.**
Humility is an every day action.
Bring humility into every interaction.
Humility needs to be constant.
Pride focuses on self.
Pride leads to shame, destruction, shifting confidence from God to self.
Pride keeps us from intimacy with Him and with others.
Luke 18:9-14
Parable Jesus told about a prideful man vs a humble man.
8 Ways to Practice Humility
Your relationships can't be healthier than you are.
Humility comes from a healthy spirit.
Assuming the best.
Where are they coming from?
Empathy is key.
Humility and meekness are interchangeable.
Meek : strength under control.
Not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.
Preferring the other person's needs above your own.
Be intentionally humble to be steered in the right direction.
Keeping your hands on the wheel...drift happens...but you never drift in your intended direction.
Fight for humility.
Start with how you listen to God.
Proverbs 3:5-6MSG 'listen for God's voice'
Ask better questions and actually listen to the answers.
Be in the moment and listen - distractions are all around.
Be engaged in conversation.
Humbly helping others understand us better.
People don't read minds.
Explaining : 'this is what happens when'
Take A Towel
Taking the position of a servant.
Gold Cord : The Story of A Fellowship by Amy Wilson Carmichael
Be someone who loves to serve and give.
John 13 - Jesus gets on His knees and takes a towel and washes His disciples feet.
It shouldn't matter that it's not reciprocated.
Mark 10:25 'He came to serve.'
To give way to arguments, demands, or pressure.
Assess the situation.
Be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you.
Yielding in relating to others.
Before telling others what you think.
Analyze, extrapolate, prioritize + navigate.
It's better to yield humbly than to rush in and have to be humbled.
James 4:6 "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
If we're practicing humility, we can be confident God will give us His grace.
Grace, grace!
James 4:6 "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
If we're practicing humility, we can be confident God will give us His grace.
Grace, grace!