Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church
Subtitle : uhh, what just happened?
What is it like to give your life to Jesus?
They say it's like scales falling off your eyes.
You were living in sin & headed to hell.
Now you are living in Christ & headed to Heaven.
Paul used to help kill Christians.
One day he met Jesus.
Paul then became a believer.
Paul needed to turn his whole life around.
This Kickstart series is going to be :
What now?
What you need to know in order to grow.
Piecing together what you need to know in order to run this race.
Time spent doing something is no guarantee of progress in it.
Getting back to the fundamentals.
The basics become the building blocks for life.
Get back to the basics.
Unlearn some bad habits.
Salvation is :
1. The Past
Instantaneous and Final
I have been saved.
A. RegenerationTitus 3:5
God reaches into the heart of an unbeliever & brings life where there was none.
B. Justification
Romans 5:1
Regeneration is what happens in your soul : your state
Justification is what happens before God's throne : your standing
To declare someone as righteous.
C. Adoption
You are brought into the family.
You are now a son or daughter of Christ.
You are not an heir of God, in Jesus Christ.
2. The Present
Ongoing and Unfinished
I am being saved.
1 Corinth 2:151 Corinth 1:18
A. Sanctification
1 Thes 5:23
Set apart from evil.
Set apart toward righteousness.
Sanctification has as much to do with what you are supposed to do, as to what you are not supposed to do.
In sanctification we are being saved from the power of sin.
The purpose of sanctification is bringing the substance of your life up to the level of your state & standing before God's throne.
Ephesians 4:13
Incredibly, when you hear the goal of sanctification, you sort of feel dirty.
You shouldn't be discouraged into thinking you are not a Christian.
You're going to have good days & bad days.
Our happiness (joy, peace, etc) is connected to our holiness - our righteousness is not.
Try not to be content with such little sanctification.
"A little faith will bring your soul to Heaven, a lot of faith will bring Heaven to your soul." Charles Spurgeon
Quit doing the bare minimum.
3. The Future
Something to look forward to...
I will be saved.
1 Peter 1:5
A. Glorification
We will be saved from sin's presence.
The ultimate end is Heaven!
1 John 3:2
Ephesians 4:30
Our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.
The reason we check the time so often is because depending on what time it is, we know what we need to do...
We need to live fully for Christ, because Christ is coming back soon.