Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Christmas Table

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

The Christmas Table

2 Samuel 9:1-13

The table speaks of family.
Christmas is all about God going to extreme lengths to bring us into His family.

Mephibosheth - ate regularly at the king's table.

Sin makes you stupid.

David made a promise to Jonathan that he would be kind to Jonathan's children.

We're seeing a promise fulfilled.

5 reasons why we have a lot in common with Mephibosheth.

1. Life hadn't gone according to plan.
One minute he was the grandson of the king.
Mephibosheth got the news that his dad and grandpa died on the same day in battle.

2. People we trust have let us down.
2 Samuel 4:4 tells us how Mephibosheth became crippled.
Romans 3:23 we all fall

3. He was in danger and there was no way to run
Mephibosheth lived in hiding in badlands.
Mephibosheth thought David was going to have him killed.
Luke 2:10 "Do not be afraid!"
We're all in danger : we're all going to die.

4. There was a good king who wanted to show him kindness.
Everything is going great in David's life at this time and he thinks, how can I bless someone else right now?
That's how we should live when God's blessing us...how can we in-turn bless others.
A good King sought us out.
Look to Jesus! If He isn't stressed then you don't need to be stressed.
If He's okay, I'm okay.
Ephesians 4:1, 2:5-6
Seated us with Him!

5. He was given a seat at the royal table.
When David wanted to show kindness he went above and beyond.
David only promised Jonathan he wouldn't kill his sons.
Mephibosheth doesn't feel worthy, because he's not worthy.
When you're seated at the table...the position covers up your condition.

There's a seat for you at the table but only if you do these two things :
1. Be humble to receive it all
2. You have to sit down

Luke 22:29-30

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Wild Blue Yonder : week 5

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

The Waypoints of Wonder

Navigating through the waypoints of wonder will provide us a path to make sure we're on the right trajectory as we give.

We're not here for the end of something, we're here for the beginning of something.
This is the launchpad and the launchpad is the culmination of all that came before it, but it's not the end of something..it's to infinity and beyond!

We look back and honor those who have paved the way, and we look forward and have faith God will use our gifts and our stories to bring more glory to Him.

You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving.

Word God gave to the Lusko's while they're preparing to give : WONDER

Wonder : epic, admiration, astonishment, something awesomely mysterious

Luke 10:17-24

He's connected Genesis 3 - the gospel overturns death itself.
Do not rejoice in your good works.
Rejoice that your name is written in Heaven!

There needs to be risk in order to use our faith.

We all have a part to play in this.
Luke 17 - servant working all day in the field, comes in the house and wants to relax. Jesus says he needs to change and then prepare his masters meal. 
What's the most important gift? That everyone is working together and doing their duty.

Childlike whimsical faith
God uses the simple.
God uses the foolish things of the world.
"Stay hungry, stay foolish." Steve Jobs

God is for me!
He's overflowing our cups!
David "I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of living.
Benefit finders and fault forgetters.

Our gift should be weighty.
This is attached to the saving of souls.
Heavy in a good way.
God's glory is weighty...it's expensive, it's powerful.

Ecclesiastes 11:4
Give with your eyes on the skies.
Awestruck majesty!

Wild Blue Yonder : week 4

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Rethinking Runways

Malachi 3:1
Mark 1:1-8

Looking at John the Baptist

You can't look up at the night sky and think : I'm awesome.

Who am I, yet You love me!

Shane Kimbrough : astronaut

Sometimes we're supporting behind the scenes...not hands on.

Go-getter, hard-working
Positive role model for society

Not so soft landing...get back up, you are not alone!

John the Baptist : worked on the runway to make Jesus' path straight.
He was a forerunner.

Forerunner's job : 
1. Prepare the people
2. Repair roads

That's our role : we are trying to prepare runway for God!

John the Baptist lived a life as a model.
He was a runway model.

The bigger the runway, the bigger the plane that can land.

2 Chronicles 16:9
Who has that straight runway?
Who's rising up in obedience?

Endeavor was supposed to land in Florida...had to land in California...
How many runways did it pass over?
They weren't capable of receiving it!

Your life will yield in God's hand only to the extent that you're willing to clear the field!


1. Significance
Live for something bigger in your life.
When you live for Jesus' story and not just for your own glory...you get to be apart of all God's done.
I decrease, Jesus increase!

Equal sacrifice, not equal giving.

I've been blessed to be a blessing.

2. Endurance
The reward for doing all John the Baptist got was difficulty.
When you step out in faith the reward is difficulty.

When you blaze a trail = trial
The enemy sees what you're doing and wants to attack you.

With growth there is more opportunity + opposition

The difficulty causes you to lean into Jesus more + He'll give you the endurance

3. Abundance
Your heart and mind are connected.

Rob God of the chance to protect you, bless you, and to do so abundantly!

It doesn't always look financial blessing.

Keep your heart on the mission!
The great commission!
The mission to go fishin!

Shane's first mission was to build the space station. Not knowing that he would go back and live in it.

At the right place at the right time.
It's not just about you.
It's about them.
It's about Him.

Wild Blue Yonder : week 3

Guest Speaker Robert Madu - Fresh Life Church

Faith For The Middle

Going to the unknown and generosity.

The world of the generous gets larger + larger.

Numbers 11:1-6
John 6:30-35

When we're in the unknown we tend to go right back to the thing Jesus brought us out of.

The FRUIT of the Spirit
If you are a believer the fruit of the spirit should exude from you.

The children of Israel are "stuck in the middle."

Exodus 14 putting your faith in Jesus.
Walking out of Egypt, through the Red Sea...400 years they were in slavery. In one moment, they went from being enslaved to being saved!

Never negate the power of a single moment of God!

1. It was not their morality

Quit with the notion that you have to get yourself together before you come to God.

How you gonna help yourself when your self was the problem that got you there in the first place?

God didn't respond to their deeds, but to their needs!

Shadow proves I am real and there is a light in the room.

The Old Testament is a shadow of Jesus.

Question you ask any time you've had an encounter with God...
Who am I now?
How do I walk in that?
I know I'm out of Egypt, but ho do I get Egypt out of me?

If I...then why...
If I have the peace of God, then why am I stressed out?

Initially Christianity change of status rather than a change of behavior.

How do I get my behavior to come into alignment with my new status?
It is a process.
It is a journey.
Don't give up just cause you're in process!
Just keep walking!

God is a lot more oven than He is microwave.

God is 3-in-1 and you are 3-in-1
You are a spirit, housed in a body, with a soul.

Trust God will change me to be all He created me to be.

The enemy likes to come into your life and speak into your weaknesses and try to convince you you're not a citizen of the kingdom of God.

He'll remove your resources to let you know He is the Source!

The frustration of freedom.
It is so much easier to go back to what you've always known, than to trust God to take you to where He wants you to go.

Flailing its front legs in front, dragging its hind legs behind.
You've been walking out the distinction that was modeled for you.

Your destiny is greater than your history!

Don't give up just because you're in process!

When they rejected the mana, God got angry because they were essentially saying Jesus you're not enough for me in the wilderness. 

Impact Team Conference : Part 3

On Their Mark - Robert Madu

Hebrews 12:1-2
1 Samuel 18:5-9

Keep your eyes on Jesus.

Playful frolic.

Comparison is so strong it caused Saul to focus on David instead of Jesus.

You can't run the race because you're so focused on the others in the lanes next to you.

Who are you racing?

Chase after the assignment God has placed on your life.

Comparing yourself to other people is like running on the treadmill. You are in the same position.

Whenever you preach, preach from your weakness and you'll never lack material.

Comparison is the number one weapon the devil uses for mass distraction and mass destruction.

You cannot be content when you're comparing.

2 Corinthians 10:12

Comparison will consistently cloud the clarity of God's call on your life.

There is a call on your life.
A call so unique to you.
I am called!

There is a difference between a career and a calling.
Paid to do vs made to do.

God has given you everything you need to accomplish your calling.

Stop complaining to the master about the pieces you feel you don't have and be praising Him for making you a masterpiece!

I am a masterpiece.

Ephesians 2:10

God is a strategic God.
Stay in your lane.
And keep your eyes on Jesus!

Don't wreck your life trying to get in someone else's lane, just stay in your lane.

Duality to your destiny :
Universal : to become more and more like Jesus every single day.
Unique to you : become unlike anyone else God has ever created.

Challenge of life is to stay in your lane and your keep your eyes on Him.
The day you run your race looking around, there is a crash in your future.

If the brightness of the blessing blinds you to the Blesser it becomes a curse.

Comparison is the beginning of the end.

"But ME"

He connects what's going on with them back to him.
"But ME" attitude takes joy out of a celebratory situation.

Who started the comparison?
Saul didn't start it.
Wasn't even David that started it.
This was an external voice that placed the comparative on him.
The ladies weren't even comparing Saul's number to David's number.
Simply for literary impact.
They were just saying Saul killed a bunch. David killed a bunch. We're just glad they're all dead.

You need to be able to celebrate the successes of other people. 
Don't be stingy with your compliments.

social Media
Awareness accelerates discontentment 

Would you like to know the real reason you got in the fetal position?
You were comparing how they run their race instead of focusing on how I've called you to run yours.

I have given you a grace to run your race!!

Impact Team Conference : Part 2

Stir Up The Sweetness - Jennie Lusko

Making This House Home

Pleasant Perspective
Fragrance of Christ Diffused

1. Stir Up What Is In You
2 Timothy 1:5-7
We are responsible for our soul.
No one can stir this up but you.
We're not mustering up the faith, God already started it.

The sweet spot in sports is where it's most effectively hit.
Where is your sweet spot?

Keep your gift and talent hot.

We have the world at our fingertips.

We need to be learners, stirring up the gift within us.

2. Stir Up Love and Good Works In Each Other
Hebrews 10:24
Encouragement and love
A key to stirring up love and good works in others is warmth.
Warmth = cozy
Sweetness in your soul

3. Stir Up The Relationships Around You
We need each other.
Healthy relationships nourish us like nothing else...Lysa TerKeurst
Children : honest, silly, fun
Childlike faith, sweetness, fun with each other.
Ephesians 5:1 imitators of God
Fight for these relationships.
Give much, much love, keep short accounts.
Proverbs 27:9
Be the encouragers, but also have those people in your life.
Speak life.
Do what you do with excellence.
Be aware of each other.
Speak thankfulness, honor, encouragement.
Some Assembly Required : 5 positives
Not having an ear for criticism.
Speak kindly and sweetly.
Ephesians 5:15
Have you lost that loving feeling?
A white lily flower represents sweetness.
Give God the first.

4. Fight For A Sweet Spirit
Sometimes you have to work at stirring in the sweetness.
Fight for it.
Work at it.
Deep breath, say God I need your spirit.
Be the sweetness you want to see in others.
Matthew 5:43
Be soft, do not let the world make you hard.
Do no let the pain make you hate.

5. Stir Up A Sweet Aroma
Romans 12:1
When you're serving you are pleasing God.
Do this for the Lord.
What is your social media smell?
Angers stirs up strife.
Love covers a multitude of sins.
Our platform should be encouragement.
Challenging and exaltation.
2 Corinthians 2:15

We are the fragrance of Christ to a lost and hurting world.

God can use us to reach someone where we are.

Philippians 2:15

Stars shining bright.

Our churches are the Savior's candelabra ...
burn bright for the whole world to see.

Impact Team Conference : Part 1

Because I Am A Leader - Levi Lusko

We are leaders of
1. ourselves
2. those around you
3. anyone you have an impact on

Are we leading selflessly or selfishly?
Are we leading well or poorly?

Even the most introverted will have a direct impact on 10,000 people in their lifetime.

Influence is the ability to give an example to those around you that is worth following.
You could have authority and power but you're not giving an example worth following.

Move towards it as you mirror it.

1. Change the Atmosphere

We are not thermometers, we are thermostats.
I altar the atmosphere.
Always instantly hot!
A leader understands that those far removed from their influence are a copy of a copy of a copy.
Something is in the air : sense of expectation.

Infectious enthusiasm - excitement
Contagious faith - Matthew 8:10 marveled at his great faith
We want Jesus to marvel at our great faith!
Mark 6:6 Jesus marveled at unbelief, only healed a few sick people.

Expectation takes preparation.

What does your preparation look like :
*Countenance - Proverbs 15 a merry heart has a cheerful countenance
*Others - make your attitudes about others
*Be a servant
*Be like Jesus, be zealous for the house of God!
*The Bible tells you so...Romans 12:11

What would the objection be?
I don't want to show zeal if that's not how I feel, because that wouldn't be real.
That thinking is why so many marriages suck!
God's GOOD whether you feel like it or not!
Worship is not a feeling expressed as an action.
Isaiah 6 : every pass they say holy, holy, holy...worthy, worthy, worthy

2. My spirit is under my control, even and especially when things are out of my control

No one is going to make you eat or drink or get enough sleep.
How you take care of your body and spirit is up to you.

Take responsibility for your spirit.
Stay motivated.
Keep yourself aligned.
Nail down your cultural values.
Think through these values.
If you can do good in the good times...that's easy.
Have perspective.
Make decisions out of faith rather than fear.
It is critical how you choose to respond, especially in times of opposition.
Jesus said : woe to you if you have no flack.
Deuteronomy talks about promising vineyards you didn't plant.

3. I do not need to be recognized but I will seek to constantly recognize others

Everything we do we're thinking about that moment of people meeting Jesus!
Find what others are doing and encourage that.
Promotion isn't my priority, progress is.
I don't want to impress you, I want to bless you.
Proverbs 11:25
You can't be used to bring water to others and not be touched on the way.
You'll be watered as you water.
Proverbs 29:25
We are noticed by God.

4. I am not afraid of the success of others, I am better for it

We're afraid God gave our blessing to someone else.
That shrinks our ability to be in the moment.
God doesn't run out of blessings.
Our mentality should not be lack thinking.

A rising tide lifts all ships!

5. Because I am a leader I welcome input and leadership in my life

Tell me the blind spots I'm blind on.

6. Selectively sweat the small stuff, my sweat glands are sophisticated.

It's the small stuff that separates 'the men from the boys."
5 minutes with Southwest Airlines would cost a billion dollars.
Sweat the small stuff in the details of our ministry.
Tapestry of grace and God moving on our behalf.

7. I am married to the vision, I am just friends with my ideas, and my seat on the bus

8. I will protect this house

God has a heart for His house.
His house is always on His mind.

1 Chronicles 22:5
2 Chronicles 2:5
1 Peter 2:5

This house needs to be great because it needs to reach a lot of people.
What do we need to fight to protect this house against?
1. Running out of bread
2. Losing it's proper shade of green
1 Thessalonians 5:17
3. Division
Ephesians 4:3 keep the vision
Not having ears for criticism.
I don't have ears for criticism.
6 Things God Hates
One is sowing discord in our family.
Lack of harmony.
4. Watch for attack
The devil is on the attack
5. From being declawed
We need claws, ready to pivot, with our cleats on, occupying our space, slips through the cracks, fire blazing in our eyes.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Goliath Must Fall notes

Goliath Must Fall
by Louie Giglio

Understanding anxiety is not a thing, but a symptom of something(s), has been a game changer in dealing with enemies of God's glory in my life.

In time, controllers crack under the reality that none of us are in control.

I don't know what's keeping you up at night or making you want to stay under the covers all day. But I do know that Jesus is on your side. He is fighting for you and He has won.

Fear grips us whenever we believe that apart from, or in spite of, our best efforts, something undesirable is going to happen and we can't stop it. Sometimes fear is irrational, and sometimes it's rational. But no matter what kind of fear it is, it always affects us.

Faith is the antidote to fear.

We need to dig down and get to the root of the matter. Actually, there are three roots. Three causes. Three down-deep reasons fear evidences in our lives : 
1. Fear comes from our conditioning.
2. Fear comes from our concealing.
3. Fear comes from our controlling.

What do we need to hear and see and feel and understand about Jesus that replaces what the giants are saying to us? 
Four things : 
1. We remind ourselves that God is able.
2. We set the Lord always before us.
3. We name what's keeping us up at night.
4. We fill our mouths with praise.

The God of the universe is mindful of us!

I know I'm loved, God, but what's really amazing, God, is how majestic you are!

If our only motivation for taking down a giant is our freedom, then we won't have all the motivation that's needed. God's glory is also the motivation for us to walk in victory over the giants in our lives.

If the enemy can keep us good and comfortable, then he can prompt us to waste our days.

Life is short, yes. But God is big. God is able to redeem every situation. He is able to breathe new life into every heart. He is able to do "far more than we dare ask or imagine" (Ephesians 3:21 CEV).

Life is short. God is big.

Anger is not wrong. But if anger is uncontrolled, stuffed, misplaced, or given full vent, then anger can do us a lot of harm. 

Scripture is clear that anger is a giant that cam shut down God's possibility for our lives.

In the midst of your fight, the enemy will most likely add this dagger - If God is so good, then why has all this hardship and pain come into your life?

Don't give the enemy a seat at your table.

So when God prepares a table for you, that means He puts out the deluxe spread (everything you need to survive spiritually, mentally, and emotionally) and invites you to dine with Him. 

Wild Blue Yonder : week 2

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Living On Leftovers

Genesis 13:2-17

Mindful of the things of God.

Peter told Jesus to not go to the cross, because it didn't make sense to him.

Refuse to play it safe. 
Not be mindful of things of men.
The riskiest thing you can do is play it safe.

Do what God's called you to do.

Don't get over the fact that you're saved.

Abraham and Sarah said yes to God.
Lot is Abraham's nephew.
Strife starts happening between their flock keepers.
Abraham gives Lot the choice to decide what land he wants.
Lot chooses the green land he sees.

Wherever you put the sole of your foot I will bless you. (God's promise to Joshua and to you.)

Abram put God first and then others before himself. 
He lived on leftovers.
Don't feel bad for him.
The leftovers he lived on were awesome!

When your touch is light, your hand can be full.

Philippians 2:3-4 MSG

Let us give others a helping hand.
Let us be a hospital for sinners.

You'll never come second by putting God first.

Five words that are descriptive of Abram's leftovers : 

1. Opportunity

Relaxed confidence that God is in charge.
Competitive spirit can be in a positive way.
"Blue ocean marketing"

2. Bandwidth

He's got bandwidth to help Lot out.
Lot always needs rescuing.
Abraham is always there to help God in the rescuing.
Financially helps out. Prayers.

3. Encounter

Building an altar - worshipping the Lord.
Hebrews looks back and talks about Abraham being a tithing.

4. Protection

Lot put his family at risk by making his carnal choices.

5. Increase

Abraham doesn't take.
He gives.
The more he gives away, the more God gives him.

Psalm 37:25

Nothing you give God leaves your life, it may just leave your hands.

Wild Blue Yonder : week 1

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

The City In The Sky

Hebrews 11:8-16
Revelation 21:1-5

We risk the ocean - Ecclesiastes 11:1
Solomon built a shipping enterprise. 
Sending out boats full of grain.
There are risks involved. 
"many days" in-between.

When you open yourself up to risk, you open yourself up to reward.

When we risk the ocean, we'll see the wild blue yonder.

In the ancient world the ocean always spoke of separation.
Jesus is that bridge.

How did Abraham have the faith to venture out into the wild blue yonder? 
He did it by focusing on the city in the sky.

Common misconceptions : 
Your body you die in will be the body you live in forever
You die and go to heaven and live there forever

Heaven comes down and is eventually on this planet again.

Fight to keep our eye on the city in the sky.
What are the barriers?

1. Comfort
Comfort zones don't keep your life safe, they keep your life small.
Remedy - compassion
The more you care, the more you risk.
Think of the things you're willing to endure if you love someone.
The church doesn't exist for us.
We are the church and we are here to reach the world.

2. Clarity
We need to be able to be redirected.
Here I am, send me.
Remedy - connection
God : you walk with Me!

3. Control
Needing to control the timeline.
Let go + let God. 
Remedy - courage
Go for it anyway!

4. Clinging to the past
Don't cling to the past.
Be full present, right here, right now.
Remedy - confession
More about where you're headed to.
Focus on the city in the sky.
Revelation 21:27 

Friday, November 17, 2017

Second Wind

Levi Lusko - Passion

Jeremiah 12:5
Philippians 1:12

Picking up the theme of endurance, then ended with the idea of being God's fragrance - being the aroma of Christ.

It takes endurance to be the fragrance of Christ.

Philippians : a letter from Paul to the first church he planted.
Things that have happened to me have happened for the furtherance of Christ.
My chains are in Christ!

Courage is contagious.
Fear is faith in the enemy.

When we are steadfast and immovable it helps the people next to us be filled with faith.

Jeremiah was a prophet whom God had His hand on even before he was born.

Bloom where you're planted.

God answers Jeremiah.

If you have run with the footman and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses?

God wants you to get where Paul was at, but to be there you must not get stuck where Jeremiah was at.

Your first wind is not enough.
You don't have enough in your flesh to finish.

"Even though you've written this book, you are still allowed to hurt and allowed to have bad days where you'll have trouble believing what you've written in this book." Louie to Levi

Jesus promised He overcame the world.
In this world you will have tribulation.

1. The only way to your destiny is through difficulty and disappointment.

Jeremiah needed to be challenged. 
He needed to be reminded of his dream.

Never go out in your own strength, go out to build the Kingdom.

Train for the trial that is yet to come.

Lions are always on tiptoe, ready to attack, ready to pounce.

2. There are two sides to every chain.

Paul didn't say, "ugh, I'm chained to this guard." He thought, "the guard is chained to me!"

3. It is an honor to be trusted with pain.
It is an honor to be trusted with trials.

God puts to use what He puts you through.
Would you be willing to use your pain as a platform?
Be fruitful and multiply.

Jesus breaks the bread before He multiplies it.

The devils hope when you hurt is that you would run from God.

In your attempts to live for Jesus :
Don't rely on willpower because you have God's power!
My victory story begins when my victim story ends!

Trust God for a second wind!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

In The Rough

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Exodus 20:24-26
1 Corinthians 2:1-2

God wants to see our worship in the rough.

Starting with the list of commandments and then directly after pivots and tells us how to build an altar. 
Individual/personal altars.

This altar is not a shrine.

Keep it simple.

Have a life of meeting God and seeking God. 

If you use stones to build My altar, use only natural uncut stones.

  • 1. Supernatural effectiveness does not require superficial embellishment.

It's not what you bring to the table it's what Christ brings!

It's not about you - it's about Jesus!

Eugene Peterson 
The primary concern of life is not what we do for God, but what He does for us.

It was not about the cross (used + dirty) it was Jesus on the cross.

  • 2. The power of Christianity is never the packaging, it's the person!
It's about the fact Jesus rose from the dead.
The moment we lose sight of that, there's no power.

The gospel isn't a ceremony for halo polishing it's an emergency room for life-saving!

Jesus didn't come to make bad men good, He came so dead men could live!
There has to be humility to it.
Pride reveals nakedness.

Luke 18:10-14
I failed. Forgive me. Amen.

The moment we remove the rough edges, the moment we remove the effectiveness.
There is no Christianity without our bloody Savior!
We cannot remove the gospel message from Christianity!

  • 3. Your worship doesn't have to be pretty to be powerful!
1 Peter 2:5
I don't have to build an altar - I am the altar.

Bring Him your life as it is.
Right where you are turn that rock into an altar.
If you fall down, worship Him from where you lie.

All works in process. 
It's not always pretty.

It's better to win ugly than to lose pretty.

Charles Spurgeon 
Trembling sinner away with thy tools.

Put your tools away, Jesus is a carpenter!
Let Him fix you, build you, change you!

  • 4. Stones don't have to be uniformly changed, just patiently arranged!
We are all uniquely made.
We can all serve God differently.

Ephesians 4:16

The goal isn't to be like each other.
Take off the masks.

Our differences make us dangerous to the darkness!!

What makes me different?
Honor God with it.
Living unmasked.
Living an authentic life.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

October Surprise : week 3

Levi Lusko  - Fresh Life Church

Mask On, Mask Off

Luke 12:1-3
Dealing with the Pharisees non-stop
The Pharisees wore clothing to show how religious they were.
More tassels meant more rules they followed.
"Pharisee Phoniness"
You can't hide behind a religious mask forever.

We all wear masks.

Masks of 
Perfection : successful
Hero : The hero looks for the victim - the victim falls for the hero - the hero resents the victim
Clone : need to be like everyone else. Chameleon. "don't judge my journey"
Everything's Fine : hurting, messed up, but put on the mask of 'everything is fine' refuse to acknowledge any pain we face. Hide the clutter, double chin, to get the perfect instagram shot. 
Fear : Gruffness, grumpiness. We're scared of intimacy. If they really see us, they won't love us. Suffocating. Self-sabotage. 
Sex-Appeal : Provocative. The need to be desired. The need to win approval. Craving love, to be viewed as beautiful.
Funny Guy : feel insecure, so we try to be funny. Perpetuating narcissism. Laugh it off becomes a defense mechanism. Deflecting the real me, that you're so sure no one would like. 

Why do we wear these masks?
Because we're afraid.
We've been hurt.
We just don't like ourselves.
We've forgotten who we really are.

We'll never be able to experience all God has.

Verb : mask off
Protects things you don't want to get paint on.

God can't bless what isn't authentically you.

Exhausting to keep up with the masks you wear.

"Multi-masking is soul taxing." Carl Lentz

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" Sir Walter Scott

The only way to love is to risk.

1 John 1:9 
God forgives and cleanses.
James 5:16
People help you heal.

We need each other for prayer.
We need each other.

4 Ways it's true:
1. People can't love you if they don't know you.
2. What you wear to obtain you must wear to retain.
3. We can't heal what you conceal.
4. God can't use who you WISH you were.

The first 3 have selfish benefit.
Fight for vulnerability.
Deception erodes intimacy.
Shame gives us a place to hide.
The 4th one : the mask needs to come down so you can help others.

David and Goliath
Right before the battle King Saul tried to put David in soldiers armor to give the perception that David was a soldier.
That could have killed David because he was NOT a soldier and was not used to wearing armor. 
What David felt was holding him back (that he wasn't a solider) was really his asset.

That person you're wanting to be, is probably not who they really are. 
So don't be jealous of a copy, of a copy, of a copy.

We are the most obese, addicted, in-debt, medicated generation who's ever lived.

You can choose to tale the mask off!
God can take any mask off! 

October Surprise : week 2

Fresh Life Church 
Levi Lusko and Matt Lamb

A Part of the Process
John 3:1-17

Incremental and not instantaneous
When God touches somebody...there's much more that meets the eyes that happened behind the scenes.

People are in process.
Everyone is in process of God revealing His love for them.

You have a part to play in others process.

God so LOVES the world!

Matt Lamb :

5 Things We Can Learn From These Scriptures :

1. He earned the right to be heard.
God lived in a way that allowed doors to be opened.
John 3:2

2. He was willing to be inconvenienced.
Late one night...that's when Nicodemus visited Jesus.
The powerful moments often happen at the most inopportune times.
We must have the mindset that we are never off-duty.

3. He listed and asked questions.
Jesus listened when necessary and asked questions when needed.
An example of give and take in a relationship.
Give the present of our presence.
People don't care how much you know if they don't know how much you care.

4. He pointed to the cross.
Communicated the gospel clearly and lovingly.
Numbers 1 God sent fiery servants.
The path to the kingdom of God wasn't through a crown, but through the cross.

5. He trusted seeds to do their work.
He wasn't focused on the growing, He was focused on the sowing.
My job is obedience, God's job is the outcome.
John 7:50-51
The interaction lingered long after.

Isaiah 55:11 It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.

When Jesus died on the cross Nicodemus is watching and remembered the conversation he had with Jesus.

John 19:38-42 Joseph of Arimathea in vs 39 says Nicodemus came with Joseph to help him embalm Jesus.

People are not projects, they are people!
Love people!

1 Corinthians 3:6
You being in a cameo role in someone's story...God can use that.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Some Assembly Required : week 5

Jennie Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Honor Roll

Tool : humility
Proverbs 29:23
"Pride lands you flat on your face; humility prepares you for honors."

**Pride destroys intimacy, but humility unlocks rich relationships.**

Humility is an every day action.
Bring humility into every interaction.
Humility needs to be constant.

Pride focuses on self.

Pride leads to shame, destruction, shifting confidence from God to self.
Pride keeps us from intimacy with Him and with others.

Luke 18:9-14
Parable Jesus told about a prideful man vs a humble man.

8 Ways to Practice Humility

Your relationships can't be healthier than you are.
Humility comes from a healthy spirit.

Assuming the best.
Where are they coming from?
Empathy is key.

Humility and meekness are interchangeable.
Meek : strength under control.
Not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.
Preferring the other person's needs above your own.

Be intentionally humble to be steered in the right direction.
Keeping your hands on the wheel...drift happens...but you never drift in your intended direction. 
Fight for humility.

Start with how you listen to God.
Proverbs 3:5-6MSG 'listen for God's voice'
Ask better questions and actually listen to the answers.
Be in the moment and listen - distractions are all around.
Be engaged in conversation.

Humbly helping others understand us better.
People don't read minds.
Explaining : 'this is what happens when'

Take A Towel
Taking the position of a servant.
Gold Cord : The Story of A Fellowship by Amy Wilson Carmichael
Be someone who loves to serve and give.
John 13 - Jesus gets on His knees and takes a towel and washes His disciples feet.
It shouldn't matter that it's not reciprocated.
Mark 10:25 'He came to serve.'

To give way to arguments, demands, or pressure.
Assess the situation.
Be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you.
Yielding in relating to others.
Before telling others what you think.
Analyze, extrapolate, prioritize + navigate.
It's better to yield humbly than to rush in and have to be humbled.

James 4:6 "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."

If we're practicing humility, we can be confident God will give us His grace.

Grace, grace!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Some Assembly Required : week 4

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Stick and Slide

Tool : gratitude
Proverbs 11:27

The moment things "stop" working in a relationship, don't throw it out.

Those who study the mind say we have a negativity bias.
Bad things "weigh" more than positive experiences in your mind.
The bad reviews outweigh the good.

"Your brain is like velcro for negative experiences, but teflon for positive ones." Rick Hanson

1. You see more of what you search for.

What you look for, you'll find.
Your brain is always trying to help you out and trigger habits.

If you're looking to be hurt, you'll see more hurt.

What happens to you in the midst of the search should concern you. 

You're going to look like what you look for!
You'll become characterized by what you become preoccupied with.

Assuming the worst, you'll be right that they are [the worst], but you'll be the worst too!

The sins we struggle with are always uglier on other people.

You can't yell, "calm down" and expect calm results.

You can never be a victim and a victor at the same time!

You need to learn when to stick (velcro) and when to slide (teflon).

1 Peter 4:18 love will cover a multitude of sins

Healed people can heal people!

Proverbs 15:15 a miserable heart means a miserable life, a cheerful heart fills the day with song.

What kind thing has someone done that you haven't thanked them for?
What new way can you express gratitude for something they've always done?
What fresh way can you say thank you?
What blessing has someone done that you've never expressed gratitude for?
Who helps me that I take for granted?

Benefit finders and fault forgetters!!

2. The greatest gift you can give is your presence.

If the phone is in view the quality of the interaction goes down [polyconciousness] 

When you express gratitude they'll be grateful.


You'll be changed along the way.

It's impossible to be grateful and miserable at the same time.

5 times a week say something positive.

Dr Gottman 5:1 ratio (5 positive interactions : 1 negative)

Start with God - in your gratitude!! 

Friday, September 29, 2017

Some Assembly Required : week 3

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Do The Hard Things
[I am the Lion]

Proverbs 3:11-12
"My child, don't reject the Lord's discipline, and don't be upset when He corrects you. For the Lord corrects those He loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights."

Be willing to move on to the next step.

Tool : Embracing discomfort

Resist the urge to resist discomfort.

Do not despise - don't go with your natural inclination.

Just because something is unpleasant doesn't mean it's unprofitable.
Being hard doesn't automatically make it bad.

God's discipline is profitable 
1. Proof He loves you
2. It leads to a desirable outcome

You want to be disciplined in habits, body, mind, money, etc.
Deep down we respect the results of discipline.
But how do you get disciplined? By being disciplined!

In relationships there are things that are uncomfortable.

Triggers that are uncomfortable :
confrontation, conflict, correction, criticism
difficult conversations
being caught off guard, shame guilt
things not going our way

How are you being held back from where God wants you to go?

1. The reward of avoiding pain is remaining the same.

If you want to grow, and be a blessing to others, then you have to embrace discomfort.

"Western culture has things a little backwards right now. We think that if we had every comfort available to us, we'd be happy. We equate comfort with happiness. And now we're so comfortable we're miserable. There's no struggle in our lives. No sense of adventure. We get in a car, we get in an elevator, it all comes easy. What I've found is that I'm never more alive than when I'm pushing and I'm in pain, and I'm struggling for high achievement, and in that struggle I think there's magic." Dean Karnazes 

Proverbs 20:30 "Blows that hurt cleanse away evil, as do stripes the inner depths of the heart."

2. Comfort zones don't keep your life safe, they keep your life small.

You can't get strong without being sore.

Die Empty by Todd Henry
7 deadly sins of mediocrity - antidote
aimlessness - define your battles
boredom - be fiercely curious
comfort - step out of your comfort zone
delusion - know yourself
ego - be confidently adaptable
fear - find your voice
guardedness - stay connected

Mark Twain "Eat a live frog first thing every morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day." 

Brian Tracy book Eat That Frog

3. The real pain is in the anticipation

Procrastination is what's making it worse.

4. Move toward, into, and through whatever you feel like avoiding.

Two possible outcomes : 
it kills you 
it doesn't last as long, and brings transformation

Nothing can sneak up on you that you're chasing down.

Hebrews 12:11-12

If you handle correction well, your reward is more correction.

Run toward what you want to run from.

5. Your thoughts and words shape your reality.

Excuses will pop up like crazy.
Proverbs 22:13 Lazy guy - "there's a lion in the streets." He came up with an unrealistic excuse.

"He that is good at making excuses is seldom good for anything else." Benjamin Franklin

Proverbs 28:1 the righteous is as bold as a lion!
Because I know my identity in Christ, I can say, I AM THAT LION!

Monday, September 18, 2017

Some Assembly Required : week 2

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

Nosebleeds and Beestings

Tool : Alignment

Proverbs 30:32-33

"If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive." Dale Carnegie

The force of wrath leads to strife.

There is a connection between what we do and what happens.

Lack of alignment in our intentions and the outcome.

"That wasn't my intention" isn't an apology.

Your intentions don't matter.
All the world gets is our actions and behavior.

Align your intention with your impact.

No one understands your intentions, they only understand what you say.

Close the gaps between intentions and impact.

4 Steps

1. Analyze
I want to do ________.
Isolating and identifying what you want to do in the moment.
Identify your triggers. 
Stop and take a deep breath.
If you don't think right, you can't live right.

2. Extrapolate
If I do _______, this will happen ...........
Extrapolate means play something out.
I want to understand what the outcome of that will be.
Proverbs 4:26 - ponder the path of your feet.
Proverbs 27:12 - sees trouble coming and DUCKS.

3. Prioritize 
Where I want to go is ________.
You don't just want to be right, you want the relationship to be right.
You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar - meaning you can accomplish more by being kind than by being harsh.

4. Navigate 
What will actually get me to where I want to go?
It almost always feels the opposite.
Aesop - the sun and the tornado have an argument about who is stronger. 
The takeaway - being friendly and gentle is stronger than force and fury, every time.
More listening, less talking.
Think more.
Put yourself in their shoes.
It's not about how it feels, it's about getting where you want to go.
Be like Jesus.
Hebrews 12:2 He never lost sight of where He was headed.
Free from being prisoners to our feelings.
Acting without thinking will keep you from your calling.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Some Assembly Required : week 1

Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church

This series is going to be about relationships.
Being great at the art of relationships takes work and is a choice.
Not turn key or maintenance free.

Must not just do initial instillation but the lasting preservation!

Principle + Tool + Pitfall : Applies to ever relationship!

Start With God

Proverbs 1

Every human relationship is better when it starts with God.

Proverbs is written by Solomon. Said to be the wisest man who has ever lived.
Solomon did 1K burn offerings. God responded, ask Me for anything. Solomon asked for wisdom.

Proverbs 1:3
A manual for living.
Learning what is just and right and fair.

No matter how much we've learned there's always something more to learn!

Proverbs 1:7 Start with God!

#lifehacks = optimizing + efficiency

Matthew 6:33

5 Ultra Simple Ways To Start With God 

1. Every Day
A new day begins and you start with prayer, Bible, devotional.
God gets the first and best in every scenario.
What you start with shapes who you are that day. 
**Every day is a stranger, and you only get one shot at a first impression!**
There's no rollover minutes when it comes to new mercies.
Lamentation 3:23

2. Every Dollar
Proverbs 3:9
Give first and best 10% - tithing
Where your treasure is your heart will be also. If you give to the kingdom first, there your heart will be also.

3. Every Decision
Consult God, first!
Proverbs 3:4-6 favor with God and man 
Trust the Lord completely!

4. Every Disagreement
What does God want me to say?

5. Every Difficulty
Rush in to seek God!
Proverbs 17:3

*WE is always better than me!**

The real life change happens during the week, in the trenches.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Bars + Battles : a sampling of teachers

Wade Joye : The Art of Sampling

A song can take you back and bring you back to a certain moment.
Music strengthens the pathways in our brains that stores memories and emotions.
When Jesus spoke He recited the Psalms.
John 15:23-25 Jesus is talking about Psalm 35:19
The presence of God is not a place for us to bypass our emotions.
How to claim to God's word when life gets messy.
The Psalms can be a soundtrack for our doubt, guilt, and suffering.

Chetwyn Pete : soundtrack for doubt

Psalm 37:23-24
Maybe you're in a season of doubt.
Don't compromise.
Don't dismiss the process and doubt the promise God has on your life.
Satan can't order your steps, but he can keep you from taking one.
The steps of a good man are ordered by God.

Jonathan Josephs : soundtrack for guilt

Psalm 51:1-2
David wrote these words when he felt guilt for sleeping with Bathsheba and having her husband killed.
David goes into a posture of worship.
If we don't carry our guilt to God, we will carry our guilt into shame.
I made a mistake to I am a mistake.
We end up hiding from our source of love and grace that we need to wash away guilt.
God is not intimidated by our guilt.

Larry Brey : soundtrack for suffering

Psalm 118:8
chastened severely (it's like repeating - double portion of pain)
The Last Supper
Matthew 26:30 the last thing they did was sing a song
Psalm 113-118 was Jewish tradition at this supper.
Psalm 118 is what they sang before He went to the cross.
David wrote it as he was surrounded, but knew he was protected.
vs 5 + 6 The Lord is with me, I will not be afraid.
There is a type of suffering that wants to squeeze and suffocate you.
There is a depth of suffering that cannot be expressed in word, but only sound.
Because He died, we get to live.
vs 22 the cornerstone - feeling rejection.
What they have rejected, God says I have selected!