Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church
Acts 2:42
These who have turned the world upside down, have come here also.
These who bring the message of Christ have turned the world upside down.
We know their humble beginnings.
Their church started out simple.
75-120 people and jumped to over 3,000.
It was simply the Word of God that pierced hearts and caused people to seek the Lord.
It is critical to take care of the "spiritual infant." [new believers]
Establishing good roots so you can grow & produce an abundant harvest.
Showing people how to walk in Christ.
If we want to have a church that connects and is on track, there are certain things we need to put in place.
It's easy to slip into a spiritual cruise control.
In Revelation God says return to your first days as a Christian.
Four things that make the recipe of evangelism :
1. The apostles doctrine
2. Fellowship
3. Breaking of Bread
4. Prayer
You want to see the new believer cultivate a hunger for the word of God.
Seven days outside the word of God makes one weak.
Psalm 19:7-13
"David thinks God's Word is neat."
Four Things That Are Wonderful In God's Word
1. Practical
It gives direction & is simple.
2. Personal
It's God's love letter to us.
3. Prophetic
Speaks the future.
4. Powerful
When we feed on it, we become more powerful.
We grow stronger against the enemies attacks.
It's essential to have unity.
We need the body of Christ.
Breaking of bread isn't just talking about communion.
They used to have the equivalent of potlucks and then at the end of the love feast you would remember what Christ has done and you would break bread and drink wine.
Taking communion sort of resets our priorities.
Put on the armor of God, and then the secret weapon is prayer.
Pray without ceasing.
Having a consciousness of God.
Always aware of Him and shooting up small text message prayers.
Make sure your prayers are not "gimme, gimme, gimme."
A - adoration
C - confession
T - thanksgiving
S - supplication
Warren Wiersbe
Fear of the Lord is more fear of displeasing Him or making Him sad.
God isn't screaming at us...he is guiding, comforting, gracious, kind.
We just don't want to disappoint Him.