Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church
Bleed For This
Esther 4:8-17
Thunder is attributed to the hand of God.
-Revelation 4:5
Blood stands for life.
-Philippians 2:17
***The responsibility of the reached is to reach!
We aren't called to simply hold ground, but to double down and take some ground.***
1. Don't pray for what you won't pay for!
2. What has come to you is meant to flow through you!
"Any blessing has the potential to turn into an idol."
"God can bring good out of good!"
3. If you don't feel scared you're not doing it right!
"If I perish, I perish." Esther
4. When you are willing to risk, you open yourself up for reward!
God will get it done, but will you allow Him to work through you?
Esther 5:1-3
on the THIRD day
Luke 12:32 Luke 9:24