Levi Lusko - Fresh Life Church
Small in size but exceedingly wise
Get big by thinking small
Giant things we can learn from the little stuff.
Proverbs 30:24
You shouldn't sweat the small stuff...there is some good to that, but the small stuff matters.
Sophisticated sweat glands.
When is it time to pay attention.
Crappy trees lead to crappy forests.
Take care of the quality of your minutes, hours, etc.
**Small tactical activity can lead to enormous breakthrough victory!**
Look to the world of critters :: exceedingly wiser = wiser than the wisest.
'Tis the Season
Becoming Ant Man
Very strong.
1.5 million ants per person
They understand the power of cooperation
They mark their trail with smell
They have ways to tell the queen what ants she needs to produce.
Ants lean into their season.
They are powerful because they know this.
Ants prepare food in summer.
Knowing there are certain things you need to do in "summer" so when it's not summer you can reap the benefit of what you did.
Proverbs 6 Solomon : go to the ant you sluggard!
Ants have two stomachs : they have social stomachs!
When you see them "kissing" they're actually sharing food.
Maybe what you hear in church or read isn't even for you...maybe it's being stored for you to share later!!
1. Understand Seasons
Unavoidable & somewhat predictable.
Genesis 8:22
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Seasons all serve a purpose.
2. Diagnose your seasons
So much of our frustration is miss-diagnosing our season.
Insanity is trying the same thing over & over and expecting the same results.
Being your best when you're needed the most.
People don't care how much you know until you show them how much you care.
Sometimes seasons drag on.
Not every season did God put on you.
God will be with you in all those seasons.
Good news is, no season lasts forever.
Beware of rushing.
Once you're over that season you can't get it back. Seasons are like snowflakes; similar, but not the same.
Seasonal dissatisfaction disorder.
***All you see is the upside, not the upkeep**
Resenting transition.
If you get a blessing before its time it will never feel like a blessing, it will always feel like a burden. Steven Furtick pointed to the prodigal son...quarter life crisis.
3. Prepare for coming seasons
Anticipate what's coming.
Prepare for but don't worry about.
What do you want your death bed to look like?
Reverse engineer your life for the death bed you want.
We assume when it's good, it is always going to be good.
Make wise investments...not just in earth but in Heaven too.
Luke 16:9
4. Celebrate Your Season
There's beauty in your season.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
There will be seasons that don't seem pleasant.
Don't grow weary.
Galatians 6:9
Take nothing for granted.
God is near the broken-hearted.
I have learned...Philippians 4:13